
Citizens for Justice and Peace

How the CJP Team braves all hurdles to fight hunger Amid the CoVid-19 Lockdown, CJP is ensuring that nobody goes to sleep hungry

04, Apr 2020 | CJP Team

Ever since the nationwide lockdown was announced to curb the spread of the coronavirus, CJP’s chief concern has been to ensure nobody goes to bed hungry. The nationwide lockdown has adversely impacted the livelihood of daily-wage earners. People in low-income jobs. Families of thela wallas, taxi and auto rickshaw drivers, vegetable vendors, carpenters, scrap purchasers, delivery boys, waiters, domestic helps, people with HIV/AIDS, transgender persons, sex workers, orphans and destitute people need our urgent help to tide over the COVID crisis.

Teesta Setalvad, who leads CJP, and is a journalist and human rights worker with several decades of work behind her has a wide network of worker activists who speak to her and the organisation directly. She was therefore able to respond to needs of various segments of workers promptly. CJP has partnered with several like-minded organIsations to provide ration and essential supplies to over 5,000 such families across the Mumbai Metropolitan region. Armed with face-masks, gloves and sanitisers, our teams spread out to acquire supplies, often walking long distances to find vendors and make purchases. Even in the midst of a transport strike, we didn’t stop for a bit and continued on our journey of providing relief to the needy.

Countless families in Maharashtra, are in urgent need of this support. We appeal to you to donate generously to help alleviate their suffering.

Donate here:


Covid-19: guidelines for volunteers providing non-medical relief to the needy  

CJP against Hunger: Overcoming hurdles to serve the needy

CJP against Hunger: Our relief efforts during the Covid-19 lockdown

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CJP against Hunger: Help the poor tide over the Covid-19 lockdown


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