
Citizens for Justice and Peace

Help Mumbai’s sex workers and their families tide over the CoVid-19 lockdown CJP joins hands with Jimme Foundation and Kranti to provide relief to over 200

30, Mar 2020 | CJP Team

Sex workers have always been forced to live on the fringes of society. Even today they are one of the most exploited and marginalised communities. The proliferation of the coronavirus has brought sex work to a grinding halt, and thus affected the only means of income for these families. Now, CJP has joined hands with The Jimme Foundation and Kranti to help families of sex workers.

THE JIMME FOUNDATION is an equal rights organisation working in the field of diversity and inclusion. The organisation believes that a person’s gender, sexuality, caste, ethnicity, age, disability or socio-economic class should not come in the way of them leading a life full of opportunity for growth and development, meaning and dignity. TJF also works to raise awareness about child sexual abuse, mental health and animal welfare. The organisation also works with like-minded NGOs to empower people from marginalized groups.

One such NGO is KRANTI that has relocated 24 girls, all daughters of sex workers, to a safe space where they are being provided education and opportunities for skill building to become agents of social change.

At present we are looking to provide a month’s ration to over 200 families in Kamathipura, as well as the 24 girls who are being cared for by Kranti in a safe space. We appeal to you to donate generously HERE to help alleviate their suffering. All Donations to CJP are 50% Tax Exempt under section 80G of IT Act, 1961.



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