
Citizens for Justice and Peace

CJP needs your help again! Donate to keep the #JungJaari for Human Rights

15, Jul 2020 | CJP Team

The lockdown didn’t slow us down. But now we need your help to keep the #JungJaari for Human RIghts. Donate now:



CJP Impact: Four people released from Tezpur Detention Camp 

CJP helps secure release of Bihari man dubbed Bangladeshi in Assam! 

CJP helps reunite man released from Assam Detention Camp with long-lost daughter 

CJP helps two more people walk out of Assam’s detention camps 

Victory! Three more detention camp inmates released in Assam with CJP’s help   

CJP Assam: Reunites Inmate with daughters after two years in detention camp

Forest Rights : Shelter destroyed in Uttarakhand

Forest Rights: Van Gujjar family released on bail, after custodial assault

CJP against Hunger: Rations and essentials provided to migrant workers

CJP against Hunger: Almost 1,500 families served in one day!

CJP against Hunger: Essentials supplied to needy families from the North East

CJP against Hunger: Team Assam goes that extra mile to distribute rations to quarantined families, families of detainees

CJP’s relief work reaches families in Malwani

CJP reaches out to thousands of migrant workers trapped in a food crisis


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