
Citizens for Justice and Peace

Archive of reports by Justice Hosbet Suresh released Citizens for Justice and Peace brings it out on the occasion of his birth anniversary - The Hindu

21, Jul 2020 | Special Correspondent

Justice Hosbet Suresh: File

An archive of reports of tribunals and public hearings by the late Justice Hosbet Suresh in his post-retirement years was released by Citizens for Justice and Peace (CJP) on his birth anniversary on Monday. 

In a statement, CJP said: “Justice Hosbet Suresh, legal luminary and a stalwart of human rights jurisprudence, continues to live on in not just our hearts, but also his work, particularly in his post-retirement years. He provided a voice to the voiceless through a series of fact-finding missions, people’s tribunals and public hearings, enabling even the oppressed and exploited to have access to justice.”

The archive includes inquiry reports on the December 1992-January 1993 Mumbai riots, the July 1997 police firing at Ramabai Nagar and the 2002 Gujarat riots. Justice Suresh, who retired as a judge of the Bombay High Court in 1991, passed away on June 11.

CJP secretary Teesta Setalvad said: “There could be no greater lasting tribute to the man than ensuring an enduring and pro-active archiving of the rights jurisprudence that he pioneered with Justice Krishna Iyer as his mentor and hundreds of human rights defenders as his allies.”

The archive available on the CJP website would be expanded to include more resources in the coming months as well as made available in regional languages, the CJP statement said.

The original report by The Hindu may be read here.



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