
Citizens for Justice and Peace

Tanzanian incident, racism involved

09, Feb 2016

D V Guruprasad, Feb 9, 2016:
The recent incident involving African students in Bengaluru has evoked international attention and being treated as a racial attack. As per media reports, a Sudanese student Mohammed Aahad drove his car rashly resulting in the death of a woman on the night of January 31, 2016.

Soon a crowd gathered there and the infuriated mob dragged out Aahad, assaulted him and his friends and set their car on fire. On hearing this incident a police vehicle came to the spot, rescued Aahad and admitted him to a hospital.

Little later a car in which another group of African students were travelling came on the same road and seeing the gathered mob made a U-turn and drove away. Some in the mob chased this car for two km, stopped it, pulled out the students and assaulted them. A Tanzanian girl who was in this car was allegedly manhandled. This car was also set on fire.

On hearing this incident a police patrol car arrived, and took the injured driver to a hospital. Two constables in the patrol car were deployed to control the mob. It is alleged that the mob attacked the Tanzanian girl in the presence of police.


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