8 जून 2017 को हिमाचल प्रदेश से गिरफ़्तार भीम आर्मी के संस्थापक चंद्रशेखर आज़ाद ‘रावण’ और उनके दो साथियों को तय तिथि से पहले ही बीती रात तकरीबन पौने तीन बजे जेल से रिहा कर दिया गया है. हालाकि नवम्बर २०१७ में उन्हें २० से भी ज्यादा मामलों में अलाहाबाद उच्च न्यायलय ने बेल दे दी…
आदिवासी मानवाधिकार रक्षकों सुकालो और किस्मतिया गोंड के लिए चलाए गए रिहाई अभियान में CJP और ऑल इंडिया यूनियन ऑफ फ़ॉरेस्ट वर्किंग पीपल (AIUFWP) को महत्वपूर्ण सफलता हासिल हुई है. अलाहाबाद उच्च न्यायलय ने दोनों महिलाओं को न्यायिक सहायता हेतु अपील की इजाज़त प्रदान की है. हमारे द्वारा दायर की गई हबियास कॉर्पस पेटिशन (बन्दी प्रत्यक्षीकरण याचिका) के चलते एआईयूएफडब्ल्यूपी की कोषाध्यक्ष सुकालो और…
Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh (UP) MLA, Sanjay Garg has made a submission to the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh (UP), Yogi Adityanath on behalf of the Adivasis in Sonbhadra region, highlighting the constant persecution of Adivasis, the false and illegal arrests of All India Union of Forest Working People (AIUFWP) leaders Sukalo, Kismatiya Gond and others…
26 जनवरी 2018, गणतंत्र दिवस, की सुबह उत्तर प्रदेश के कासगंज शहर में सांप्रदायिक दंगा भड़का. पुलिस ने दावा किया कि हिंसा तब हुई जब हिंदुओं की एक मोटरसाइकिल रैली को मुसलमानों ने अपने मोहल्ले से गुज़रने से रोका. इस रैली में भाग ले रहे चंदन गुप्ता नाम के एक हिंदू लड़के की हिंसा के दौरान…
On Republic Day this year, Kasganj town of Uttar Pradesh became the scene of violent communal clashes where a young man Chandan Gupta lost his life. While it was initially claimed that the riot was triggered by members of the minority community who tried to prevent members of the majority community from taking out a…
In February 2018, fake news of forced conversion of Dalits in Amroha district of Uttar Pradesh began to circulate on social media. It emerged that this was a willful campaign on misinformation, designed to pit Dalits against Muslims. CJP complained to the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC). The UP State Human Rights Commission (SHRC) has now…
New Delhi, August 18 : NAPM condemns the systematic targeting and repression unleashed by the state of Uttar Pradesh on the Adivasis and other forest dwelling communities in Sonbhadra, Uttar Pradesh associated with the All India Union of Forest Working People (AIUFWP). On 22nd of May, 2018 villagers from Lilasi, largely from tribal communities, were attacked…
A campaign by CJP and All India Union of Forest Working People (AIUFWP) for the release of dynamic forest rights movement leaders Sukalo Gond and Kismatiya Gond is gaining momentum every day. Now, Congress President Rahul Gandhi has tweeted expressing concern over their illegal arrest by Uttar Pradesh (UP) government and has appealed to Congress leaders and…
On Saturday evening, CJP received word that Uttar Pradesh student leader Pooja Shukla may have been abducted. The 23 year old firebrand activist who had raised black flags against Chief Minister Adityanath in June last year, was picked up from outside a friend’s house in Lucknow at about 4:30 pm. She was released and dropped back…
As human rights defenders Sukalo and Kismatiya still remain ‘untraceable’, the UP police are claiming that Kismatiya’s real identity is that of one Manju, who has been named in the FIR filed by the police. The All India Union of Forest Working Peoples (AIUFWP) has refuted such claims and said that this is one more devious manoeuver…