One day before the Aadhar protest was supposed to take place at National College, the Mumbai Police denied permission. So on 30 June 2018, Mumbaikars protested in Mahim to mark their resistance against Aadhar. People from all walks of life shared their challenges as well as their success stories fighting Aadhar. Even though there is…
बाल यौन उत्पीड़न के मामले देश में बढ़ रहे हैं और भारत के मुख्य न्यायाधीश दीपक मिश्रा की अगुवाई में तीन न्यायाधीशों की पीठ, ने उच्च न्यायालयों से यौन अपराधों से बच्चों का संरक्षण करने संबंधी अधिनियम (प्रोटेक्शन ऑफ चिल्ड्रन फ्रॉम सेक्सुअल ऑफेंस – POCSO), 2012 के तहत बाल यौन उत्पीड़न के मामले में लंबित केसों…
The Supreme Court on April 13, 2018 took Suo Motu notice and started proceedings on the unruly conduct of Kathua Lawyers and some members of the Jammu Bar Association, where they obstructed advocate Deepika Thusoo, the lawyer appearing for the family of the eight year old Bakherwal girl who was brutally raped and murdered in…
Citizens for Justice and Peace and several prominent Indians, from different walks of life, have filed a petition in the Supreme Court to intervene in the Ayodhya dispute case. We believe that this is neither a property dispute, nor a Hindu vs Muslim issue but a matter that affects the very soul of India. A…
Four Judges of Supreme Court, J Chelameshwar, J Ranjan Gogoi, J Madan B. Lokur and J Kurian Joseph wrote a letter to the Chief Justice of India addressing their concern about the way allocation of few cases has been done by the Hon’ble Justice of India. In the letter they have said the convention of recognizing…
Close to two years ago, 15 months after the Modi government was sworn to power, an unholy controversy had arisen over the Modi regime’s open moves to influence India’s Supreme Court. Then attorney general, Mukul Rohatgi had made a series of aggressive, even controversial arguments in the Indian Supreme Court arguing for a supremacy of…
Four of the five senior most judges in the Supreme Court –five of whom constitute its Collegium—have in an unprecedented move-challenged the CJI for alleged nepotism in assigning cases to pre-chosen benches in a press conference held in New Delhi. Four of the five senior most judges of the Supreme Court – Justices J Chelameswar,…
General Secretary Komu Soharda Vedike. He is an intervener in the Ayodhya dispute petition in the Supreme Court.
The Citizens for Justice and Peace (CJP) got a reprieve from the Supreme Court when, by a final order passed today, December 6, 2017, they have been permitted to challenge orders passed by trial court in Gujarat which had passed the order in December 2010 without hearing either CJP or Teesta Setalvad. The special leave petition…
Citizens for Justice and Peace (CJP) is a human rights and legal resources platform that remains committed to upholding and defending the constitutional rights of all Indians regardless of religion, caste, class or gender. CJP and 32 eminent citizens and leaders, have approached the Supreme Court intervening in the Ayodhya dispute. Our please is that the…