The Bombay High Court, on October 15, 2019 rejected the bail pleas of all three activists who have been held accused of “links with banned Maoist organisations” in the Bhima-Koregaon case. The Bail Applications were decided upon by Justice Sarang V. Kotwal and the verdict pronounced on October 15, 2019. We break down the orders,…
Senior advocate Mihir Desai speaks on the state of undeclared emergency in India. Responding to the activists arrest, he said, “we can’t trust the police. As long as their masters are in their favor they are not bothered about the courts”.
Why are the 5 activists being hounded? Why is such a concerted campaign being run all around against them? What are the real issues that lie behind these chilling developments? Isn’t India’s democracy under threat? Watch this video to find out.
The Pune Police tried to thwart the High Court Order and forcibly detained human rights defender Sudha Bhardawaj. Watch this video to know all the facts.