
Citizens for Justice and Peace

Student Movement

ABVP members allegedly attack BHU students celebrating Gender Equality Students assaulted while commemorating anniversary of protest against shaming of sexual harassment survivor

Members of the RSS affiliated Akhil Bhartiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) allegedly attacked students of Banaras Hindu University celebrating the anniversary of gender rights protest that had taken the university by storm last year. They attacked the students on Sunday, the one-year anniversary of the 23 September women’s protest against the shaming of a sexual harassment…

Teesta Setalvad and Vishal Dadlani urge you to Fight The Mob Press Release

Human Rights Defender Teesta Setalvad and rockstar Vishal Dadlani came together in Mumbai to discuss the growing instances of mob violence and institutional scuttling of dissenting voices. The initiative called ‘Fight The Mob’ is an extension of a nationwide campaign against hate speech by human rights organisation Citizens for Justice and Peace (CJP) of which Setalvad is Secretary. “We…

Dastardly attempt to assassinate Umar Khalid Student leader shot at outside New Delhi's Constitution Club

Firebrand student leader Umar Khalid was shot at by an ‘unidentified gunman’ in New Delhi on August 13. The blatant attack, that many see as a scare tactic, ironically took place when JNU scholar was attending a program titled Khauf se Azaadi (Towards a Freedom Without Fear) at the Constitution Club. The program was organised by a group called United…

UP Police abduct, try to intimidate student leader Pooja Shukla Hold her captive for almost five hours

On Saturday evening, CJP received word that Uttar Pradesh student leader Pooja Shukla may have been abducted. The 23 year old firebrand activist who had raised black flags against Chief Minister Adityanath in June last year, was picked up from outside a friend’s house in Lucknow at about 4:30 pm. She was released and dropped back…

Police brutality against teaching candidates

Stop Police Excesses on Peaceful Protesters CJP approaches NHRC demanding action against unrestrained police behaviour

It appears that the right to protest peacefully, enshrined in Article 19 of the Indian Constitution, is being eroded across the country. In many instances, the police are cracking down on those demanding action or raising awareness about legitimate issues. We have decided to act against this heavy-handed approach of the police by way of…

Witch hunt against Umar Khalid and Kanhaiya Kumar continues JNU panel upholds Khalid's rustication and Kumar's fine

An inquiry committee set up by the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) to look into allegations of “anti-national” slogans raised at a protest held on campus in February 2016, has now upheld the recommendation to rusticate student leader Umar Khalid and impose a fine on Kanhaiya Kumar. This decision has outraged the student community that has…

JNU के छात्रों पर पुलिस ने कैसे किया अत्याचार सुनिए सुभाषिनी अली की ज़ुबानी

२३ March को Delhi की सड़कों पर JNU के छात्रों के शांतिपूर्ण रैली पर पुलिस ने अटैक किया. छात्र – छात्राओं को मारा गया, उनके कपड़े फाड़े गए और उन्हें पुलिस की एक ट्रेनिंग फैसिलिटी में ले जाया गया – माकपा की पूर्व सांसद सुभाषिनी अली वहां मौजूद थी. तीस्ता सेतालवाद के साथ इस बातचीत…

Delhi Police target students and media at JNU Long March Allegations of assault, manhandling and molestation

March 23 will forever be etched in the hearts of every Indian as the day Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev attained martyrdom during India’s freedom struggle. So when the students of Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) chose March 23, 2018 to march to the Parliament demanding a complete overhaul of the university management and suspension of…

intervene and secure justice for TISS students

CJP Appeals to MHRD to intervene and secure justice for TISS students Sign our petition NOW!

TISS students from the campuses in Mumbai, Tuljapur, Hyderabad and Guwahati have been on strike since February 21, 2018. Their peaceful protest focuses on issues that have a universal and far reaching impact on the education system in India. The main concern behind the protests is against the withdrawal of fee exemption and waivers to…

Two Circles

Is TISS Pushing SC-ST-OBC students away from academia? Cutback of scholarship funds impacts their presence in higher education

The All-India Forum for Right to Education (AIFRTE) extends its full support and solidarity to the legitimate struggle of the students of all four campuses (Mumbai, Gawahati, Tuljapur and Hyderabad) of the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS). Starting their struggle from 21st February 2018, students have boycotted all classes, field work and submissions at all…

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