
Citizens for Justice and Peace

state complicity

Arguments in Zakia Jafri case implicating top netas, cops and babus in 2002 carnage to conclude tomorrow in Gujarat HC

The tortuous round of proceedings in the famed Zakia Jafri case wound down to the final arguments today, April 27 in the Gujarat High Court; after tomorrow it’s the Day of Judgement The Zakia Jafri case is an attempt to establish criminal and administrative responsibility for the mass and targeted crimes that took place in…

Gujarat 2002: The CM Supported the VHP during the Riots to get Hindu Votes, says Former Home Secretary

Gujarat Files: Anatomy of a Cover-Up, is a racy memoir of reporting undercover in Modi’s Gujarat. Rana Ayyub, formerly with Tehelka, posed as  ‘Maithili Tyagi’, a USA-born filmmaker and interviewed key figures in the state, including senior police officers. Tehelka’s first such sting by Ashish Khetan, Operation Kalank, has been used as valuable evidence in key…

Days of Agony and Despair: former DGP, Gujarat, RB Sreekumar on How the Mob Ruled during the Gujarat Carnage of 2002

“While it is necessary to keep alive good deeds, it is also essential to destroy wicked people.” Yajurveda, 20/25[1] The poisoner, the incendiary, The robber, and who so ever commits assault With lethal weapon, and the ravisher, And one who tries by force to oust from land These should be slain unhesitatingly (Mahabharata) – quoted…

Towards a Secular South Asia

by Teesta Setalvad Identity Politics has a way of dividing men, women, ideas, cultures and societies. So when we kill and maim in the name of a faith, when communalism dominates our political worldview, there is a real danger of every reaction, every initiative being looked at in the name of faith. Nothing could be…

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