
Citizens for Justice and Peace


Sonbhadra Adivasis

सुकालो और किस्मतिया – अलाहाबाद हाई कोर्ट ने दी रिहाई प्रक्रिया को तेज़ी CJP और AIUFWP की लगातार कोशिशों से जेल में बन्द आदिवासी मानवाधिकार रक्षकों को अदालत के समक्ष प्रस्तुत किया गया

आदिवासी मानवाधिकार रक्षकों सुकालो और किस्मतिया गोंड के लिए चलाए गए रिहाई अभियान  में CJP और ऑल इंडिया यूनियन ऑफ फ़ॉरेस्ट वर्किंग पीपल (AIUFWP) को महत्वपूर्ण सफलता हासिल हुई है. अलाहाबाद उच्च न्यायलय ने दोनों महिलाओं को न्यायिक सहायता हेतु  अपील की इजाज़त प्रदान की है. हमारे द्वारा दायर की गई हबियास कॉर्पस पेटिशन (बन्दी प्रत्यक्षीकरण याचिका) के चलते एआईयूएफडब्ल्यूपी की कोषाध्यक्ष सुकालो और…

UP MLA bats for Adivasis of Sonebhadra, writes to CM Sanjay Garg demands investigation into false cases, highlights witch-hunt of AIUFWP

Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh (UP) MLA, Sanjay Garg has made a submission to the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh (UP), Yogi Adityanath on behalf of the Adivasis in Sonbhadra region, highlighting the constant persecution of Adivasis, the false and illegal arrests of All India Union of Forest Working People (AIUFWP) leaders Sukalo, Kismatiya Gond and others…

Rahul Gandhi bats for Sukalo and Kismatiya Campaign by CJP and AIUFWP for Adivasis of Sonebhadra draws attention of political parties

A campaign by CJP and All India Union of Forest Working People (AIUFWP) for the release of dynamic forest rights movement leaders Sukalo Gond and Kismatiya Gond is gaining momentum every day. Now, Congress President Rahul Gandhi has tweeted expressing concern over their illegal arrest by Uttar Pradesh (UP) government and has appealed to Congress leaders and…

UP police

UP police claim Kismatiya is Manju and is named in the FIR Sukalo and Kismatiya still 'missing' as police try new tricks to subvert law and extend custody

As human rights defenders Sukalo and Kismatiya still remain ‘untraceable’, the UP police are claiming that Kismatiya’s real identity is that of one Manju, who has been named in the FIR filed by the police. The All India Union of Forest Working Peoples (AIUFWP) has refuted such claims and said that this is one more devious manoeuver…

Where are Forest Rights movement leaders Sokalo and Kismatiya? UP Govt says both were released, though they remain untraceable for over a month

It was the second hearing of the Habeas Corpus Petition filed for the release of Forest rights movement leader Sukalo Gond and Forest Rights Committee (FRC) secretary Kismatiya Gond from illegal incarceration, and both couldn’t be traced and weren’t produced in the court either.   In a startling ‘disclosure,’ the Uttar Pradesh (UP) state government…

Sonbhadra Adivasis

सोनभद्र UP में मानवाधिकार रक्षक गिरफ्तार, NHRC ने किया हस्तक्षेप, कारवाई का दिया आश्वासन AIUFWP नेता रोमा और अन्य लोगों ने CJP के नेतृत्व में NHRC रजिस्ट्रार से बात की, उन्हें अवैध गिरफ्तारियों का ब्यौरा सौंपा

नेशनल ह्यूमन राइट्स कमीशन (NHRC) ने मामले में हस्तक्षेप करते हुए सोनभद्र के पुलिस अधीक्षक और ज़िला न्यायधीश से 6 जून को सोनभद्र में हुई आदिवासी महिलाओं और पुरुषों की अवैध हिरासत और उसपर हुई कारवाई के बारे में पूछा. हिरासत में लिए गए सभी लोग ऑल इंडिया यूनियन ऑफ़ फारेस्ट वर्किंग पीपल्स (AIUFWP) के साथ…

Police Brutality against UP Adivasis

Police Brutality against UP Adivasis: NHRC assures action after CJP intervention DM Sonbhadra asked to submit report within three weeks

The National Commission for Human Rights (NHRC) has ordered the District Magistrate (DM) of Sonbhadra to conduct a probe into the incident of police brutality in which several women, children and others were attacked on May 18. They were beaten up after they staked claim to forest land under Forest Rights Act (FRA) 2006, Uttar Pradesh. On…

AIUFWP urges Sonebhadra DM to investigate harassment of Adivasi women Demands immediate implementation of Forest Rights Act

Two incidents of violation of fundamental freedoms of Adivasi Forest workers took place recently in Sonebhadra, UP. One on May 18, in which as many as 12 Adivasi women from Lilasi village, Dudhi were seemingly falsely accused of cutting trees, and hence taken to the Nevarpur thana and harassed throughout the day by police. Another on May 22, when…

UP cops “beat up, drag” tribal women for second time in a week for campaigning to reclaim their forest land Counterview

In a shocking incident, around 30 to 40 Uttar Pradesh’s police officers on Tuesday reportedly barged into tribal women’s homes in Lilasi Kala village of the Sonebhadra district, which has a population of 1,160, with sticks and a revolver gun, and assaulted them, did not even sparing children as young as 10-years old. One woman…

Assault on Fundamental Freedoms of Adivasi Forest Workers Arrests in Sonbhadra, UP

On May 18, even as the Workshop on ‘Community Rights Governance & Forest Rights Act, 2006’ (organised by CJP’s partners the All India Union of Forest Working People-AIUFWP) was underway, at Lucknow, one of the human rights defenders received a frantic call from the villagers of Lilasi, a small village in Dudhi tehsil of Sonebhadra district, Uttar Pradesh.…

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