
Citizens for Justice and Peace


Secularism and the Constitution This piece was authored as a part of the Concerned Citizens Tribunal, Crimes Against Humanity, Gujarat 2002

The preamble of our Constitution begins with the expression ‘We, the People of India’ and states that it is the ‘People’ who have resolved solemnly to constitute India into a Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic Republic and to secure to all its citizens, – JUSTICE social, economic and political; – LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship; –…

Proto-fascism and State impunity in Majoritarian India: An Interview with Teesta Setalvad Jindal Global Law Review

This interview with Teesta Setalvad was conducted in the wake of the February 2020 anti-Muslim violence in North East Delhi. Drawing on her vast experience as a human rights activist, journalist, and peace educator, Setalvad’s responses map the continuum — across years, anti-minority pogroms and ruling parties with divergent ideologies — of the cultures of hate,…

Saba Mahmood, the Immanent Flame of Secularism and Feminist Theory, dies at 56 Obituary

In times of easy rhetoric and religious stereotyping, any scholar who leaves this world before time, creates a void that can’t be filled. March 10, 2018 became a sad occasion for the scholars of Anthropology, when Professor Saba Mahmood, a teacher of Anthropology at the University of California at Berkeley passed away at an early…

Secularism is at the core of Modernity How a cautiously designed system of checks and balances is being debilitated

‘Constitution is workable, flexible and strong enough to hold the country together both in peace time and in war time. If things go wrong under the new Constitution, the reason will not be that we had a bad Constitution. What we will have to say is that Man is vile,’ observed Dr. Ambedkar in the…


What India Needs is More Gender Just Laws, Including Personal Laws, for Its Women

Leveraging Our Laws: A Comparative Account and Conscious Effort to Strengthen Various Personal Laws in India India – a kaleidoscope of cultures, has always been immensely diverse in thought as well as in action. People of different religions reside in India in harmony as also in disharmony. Some are the original inhabitants such as the…

The Christian Community in India 2015

by John Dayal It does not happen to “other people.” It happens to “us,” though this may not be apparent at first sight. This is the sort of saying that social-psychologists, cultural anthropologists and even environmental scientists have been stressing on a range of issues as diverse as the impact of climate change to that…

Citizens for Justice and Peace Condemns Bomb Blasts at the Sufi Shrine of Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti

  The Citizens for Justice and Peace condemns the dastardly bomb blasts at the revered Sufi shrine of Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti here when a bomb went off inside the complex this evening killing two persons and injuring at least 28 as thousands were breaking their day-long Ramzan fast just two days before Eid, a day…

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