
Citizens for Justice and Peace

Saken Ali

Saken Ali: Hell starts with an “H” Part of CJP’s Stories from Assam series

It’s been a long arduous journey of emotional lows and highs, for CJP’s Team Assam. The sheer administrative callousness causing the hapless and marginalised to suffer a civil death and be rendered non-Indians is a bitter learning for us all. So, ever since CJP started working towards helping our fellow Indians defend their citizenship in…

A Crisis in Assam: Citizen Interrupted The Making and Re-Making of Indians as Citizens in Assam: A CJP Series

CJP’s fact finding team in Assam has found chilling stories from Assam that point to a looming humanitarian crisis. For five long years Saken Ali found himself incarcerated in a detention camp due to a minor variation in his name in official records. In a truly Kafkaesque twist to the tale, now his family members…

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