
Citizens for Justice and Peace

Religious Supremacism

In bizarre comment, BJP leader, Dilip Ghosh, asks beef eaters to eat dog meat He is known for his inciting speeches and has also threatened West Bengal police in the past

Dilip Ghosh, BJP President in West Bengal, known for making threatening remarks in the past, and a repeat offender when it comes to making inciting statements, now makes controversial comments asking beef eaters to eat dog meat and venerates “desi cow” milk calling it golden milk. In line with his own track record over the…

We fought Hate

We fought Hate, with all our Heart CJP’s resilient struggle against a growing atmosphere of hate and online vitriol in 2018

In a long tradition of fighting hate and its commitment to secular and peace enforcing values, right from the Bombay riots of 92-93, Gujarat massacre of 2012 and Ayodhya dispute, CJP kept its #JungJaari to combat hate, acrimony and online vitriol. Even as sane voices kept drowning in mainstream media’s high pitched supposedly nationalist and…

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