
Citizens for Justice and Peace

religious extremism

The Importance of the Zakia Jafri Petition

by Teesta Setalvad It is not often that the battle against aggressive communalism, the sustained mobilization that precedes brute and targeted violence and includes hate speech and hate writing, the deliberate debilitation and paralysis of preventive and pro active measures of law and order that minimize the spread of reprisal violence and protect lives and…

Firing One Way, to Kill

By Teesta Setalvad Images of the Delhi police lobbing teargas shells and water canons at protesters at India gate agitating against the gang rape of a young girl on a Sunday, December 22 2012 are embedded deep in the nation’s psyche largely the courtesy of our omnipresent twenty four seven news networks, sharpened further by the…

Face to Face with Fascism

By Teesta Setalvad Forced ethnic segregation, calculated violence and the blatant misuse of government machinery throttles democracy in Gujarat Muslims and  Dalits, masjids  and the  kachrapeti (the  garbage dump),  are the symbols of  the clear communal and casteist segregation of space in urban Gujarat, be it in Ahmedabad, Mehsana, Surat, Rajkot, or elsewhere. The Muslimvaas…

India a nation of women killers?

Hindutva’s Hard Sell The BJP’s claim of being “within striking distance of the Centre” is bogus. But only the purblind will deny that, as of now, the party which is playing with fire seems to be the only dynamic force in the political arena  It is only that the individual accounts get more gruesome. Acid…

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