
Citizens for Justice and Peace

refugee migrant

Human Consequences of Forced Migration: The Case of the Chakmas Citizen Kaun - A CJP Series: The fault lines of partition and nationhood in South Asia and the unending saga of despair of the displaced populace

As a consequence of partition of the subcontinent, (according to the 1951 Census of displaces persons), an estimated 72.49 lakh (7.24 million) Hindus and Sikhs had moved from western Punjab (Pakistan) to the Indian side and 72.26 lakh (7.26 million) Muslims had similarly moved from eastern Punjab (India) to the Pakistani. A new dimension was…

Bangladeshi immigration in Assam

Census Data debunks claim of large-scale Bangladeshi immigration in Assam Migration data especially significant in light of CAA-NRC conundrum

Recently, much awaited migration data has been released by Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India. While demographers are presumably busy analysing the data, certain preliminary observations are noteworthy, especially in the context of Assam where strong allegation of large-scale illegal migration from Bangladesh has assumed greater significance post NRC. While data on foreign migrants do not distinguish between…

Bengali speaking workers face likely ban in Bengaluru apartments, what’s next? Most of these workers have been living in the city doing menial jobs for decades, after migrating from their home states

Anticipating police action and interrogation, many housing complexes in Bengaluru have decided to not employ Bengali speaking people as labourers or domestic help, especially minorities. In this quest of weeding out illegal immigrants from Bangladesh, many citizens have also been targeted which has led to this prejudicial ban, leading them to lose their livelihoods. The…

Migrant Workers: Rights and Concerns Community Resource

Migration has been a much discussed topic of late, especially in wake of the Rohingya exodus. However, there are many other reasons for people to migrate. Here are a few observations and recommendations presented during a seminar held on February 3, 2018 at the Delhi School of Social Work is association with the Sadhbhavna Mission.…

NRC Claims and Objections process

Alarming Rise in Racism and Xenophobia UN Human Rights experts decry “Unashamed bigotry” in joint statement

In a joint a statement issued to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, United Nations and regional human rights experts have called on countries, civil society groups and activists to do more to tackle the increasing xenophobia and racism around the world. The experts include the UN Special Rapporteur on contemporary…

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