
Citizens for Justice and Peace


“Genocidal intent” in Human Rights violations committed against Rohingya in Myanmar: UN UN Fact-Finding Mission raises serious allegations against Myanmar authorities

Days after the first anniversary of a bloody crackdown by Myanmar security forces that forced more than 700,000 Rohingya to flee the country, the United Nations released an in-depth report outlining the vast scale of human rights violations in the country. It is a damning indictment of the actions of the Myanmar authorities, even as…

UN Special Rapporteur denied access to Myanmar

Myanmar’s government has notified United Nations Special Rapporteur Yanghee Lee that she has been denied access to the country, and cooperation has been rescinded for the length of her term. Lee, who was appointed UN Special Rapporteur on Myanmar in 2014, said, “This declaration of non-cooperation with my mandate can only be viewed as a…

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