
Citizens for Justice and Peace


Prison Watch: Rajasthan HC directs prisons to educate inmates about their rights Court wants provisions of parole to be displayed prominently

The Rajasthan High Court has stressed upon the need to inform convicts of the provisions of parole that can be availed by them as per the Rajasthan Prisoners Release on Parole Rules, 2021. The court was dealing with a petition filed by a life convict who had sought parole after 14 years in prison and…

Pehlu Khan lynching: Rajasthan files appeal before HC Two appeal petitions against the acquittal of all six accused in the Alwar lynching case

The Rajasthan government and the family of Pehlu Khan filed two appeal petitions on Thursday before the Rajasthan High Court against the acquittal of all six accused in the Alwar lynching case. This came in wake of the August 14 order of a trial court at Alwar that had acquitted all six accused. They had been charged with…

Bhanwari Devi: A Tale of Courage Human Rights Defender

This is the story of Human rights defender Bhanwari Devi who changed the course of the law. Over the years, she has won several awards for her exceptional courage. She continues to live in Bhateri Rajasthan, still carrying on her work as a ‘saathin’.       Related: Damodar Turi’s battle in Jharkhand

अब भी डटी हुई है भँवरी तीस्ता सीतलवाड़ के साथ बातचीत में

ये भँवरी देवी की ऐतिहासिक लड़ाई का नतीजा था, जो कार्यरत महिलाओं के यौन उत्पीड़न के ख़िलाफ़ एक क्रांतिकारी क़दम बना – विशाखा दिशानिर्देश (Vishakha Guidelines) के रूप में. परन्तु क्या आप जानते है कि अभी भी भँवरी देवी डटी हुई हैं, आज भी साथिन का काम करते हुए दूसरों के अधिकार के लिए संघर्षरत…

Afrazul Murder

Contempt of Court: SC seeks reply from Raj Govt in Lynching matter Petition moved by Tushar Gandhi and Tehseen Poonawalla in wake of Rakhbar Khan Lynching

The Supreme Court has sought the Rajasthan government’s reply to a contempt of court petition moved by activists Tushar Gandhi and Tehseen Poonawala in wake of the brutal lynching of 28 year old Rakhbar Khan in Alwar. A bench headed by Chief Justice Dipak Misra has directed the Principal Secretary of the Home Department of the Rajasthan state government to file an…

Afrazul Killing

Fact-Finding Team Rebuts Love Jihad Charge in Afrazul’s killing

Shocking details concerning the murder of Afrazul-a 48 year old migrant labourer from West Bengal by Shambhu Regar, have emerged following a fact-finding by three major groups in Rajasthan. The investigation was conducted by People’s Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL), Udaipur, Bhilwara and Jaipur district, the MKSS and the members of Rajsamand Mahila Manch between…

नफ़रत से प्रेरित अपराध के विरुद्ध आवाज़ उठाइए : तीस्ता सेतलवाड़

आज भारत में मुसलमानों और दलितों के खिलाफ नफरत से प्रेरित अपराध तेज़ी से फैल रहे हैं, यह नफरत फैलाने वाले संगठनो की घिनौनी राजनीती का परिणाम है, और इन अनुसंघित संगठनों के नेता शक्तिशाली संवैधानिक पदों पर बैठे हैं!

Afrazul Murder

The End of A Civilization: Rajsamand, Rajasthan From the Secretary's Desk

Sometimes words lose their meaning, outrage its impact and a strange numbness and chilling acceptance prevails. India is today shattering apart, bitterly impacted at its core, as incident after incident of calculated, brutal cruelty, almost all against poor, working class Muslims dot its landscape. These incidents occur with orchestrated regularity in some regions more than others. As each…

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