
Citizens for Justice and Peace

prison reform

Rights when Arrested

Know Your Rights on being Arrested A video explainer on your rights when you have been arrested by the Police

What happens when you are arrested? Is it absolutely necessary for the Police to arrest you? What happens after the arrest? What are the procedures that are not followed? What is your rights on Arrest. Watch CJP’s new video to understand your rights when you have been arrested by the Police. To read or watch…

‘Take Out The Insects From Your Food And Eat It’: Women Political Prisoners Recount Jail Horror Stories Feminism In India

For Soni Sori, while her custody in the police station itself was riddled with torture and sexual harassment, her time in the jail was also a harrowing experience. She wouldn’t eat in her initial days inside. One of her fellow inmates advised her, “If you want to stay alive, you better eat. Take out the insects…

Maharashtra: Name in doubtful list, Assam woman says ‘painful to not be able to vote’ The Indian Express

In Mumbai for a public hearing organised by Citizens for Justice and Peace (CJP) on Monday, Rashminara told The Indian Express that she has never cast a vote. Assam is set to vote in three phases starting April 11, but Rashminara Begum’s right to vote continues to be a subject of a legal battle in…

जमिनीसाठी संघर्ष केला म्हणून तुरुंगात डांबलं, त्यांनी ऐकवला तुरुंगातील दाहक अनुभव महाराष्ट्र टाइम्स

आदिवासींना त्यांच्या हक्काच्या वन जमिनी परत मिळाव्या म्हणून आम्ही रस्त्यावर उतरलो. सरकारविरोधात आवाज उठवला. त्यामुळे आम्हाला तुरुंगात टाकण्यात आलं. आमच्यावर खोटे गुन्हे टाकण्यात आले. आमच्याविरोधात जमीन बळकाल्याचे, अतिक्रमण केल्याचे आणि चोरीचे गुन्हे दाखल करण्यात आले. मुंबईः आदिवासींना त्यांच्या हक्काच्या वन जमिनी परत मिळाव्या म्हणून आम्ही रस्त्यावर उतरलो. सरकारविरोधात आवाज उठवला. त्यामुळे आम्हाला तुरुंगात टाकण्यात आलं. आमच्यावर…

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