
Citizens for Justice and Peace

Prateek Hajela

SC Extends Power To Grant Anticipatory Bail

SC directs NRC authorities to ensure fair Claims and Objections hearings Also makes recommendation about hiring judges for Foreigners’ Tribunals

Offering some relief to lakhs of people who have filed applications and are attending hearings as a part of the Claims and Objections process of the National Register of Citizens (NRC), the Supreme Court has directed the NRC authority to ensure that the people receive a fair hearing. On May 30, a bench led by…

filed against Renowned Assamese People

NRC Objections filed against Renowned Assamese People Objectors' details missing, red flags raised

Har Kumar Goswami is a prominent electrical engineer, innovator and small industrialist of Assam. He is best known for the many unique electrical appliances he designs and manufactures in his own lab as these products have several special features and yet are quite affordable. But these days Goswami is unable to give time to his unique…

Supreme Court to assemble on April 10 for update on NRC SC reiterates it won't extend final NRC deadline

On Wednesday, March 13, the Supreme Court of India repeated that it would not extend the final deadline for Assam’s National Register of Citizens (NRC), which is July 31, 2019. A Bench comprising Chief Justice Ranjan Gogoi and Justice Rohinton F. Nariman issued the order while hearing a writ petition from Assam Public Works, and…

National Register of Citizens

CJP Impact: NRC Claims Hearing held after CJP writes to State Coordinator Missing officials rush to the spot, hold hearing late into the evening after CJP’s intervention

On March 1, 2019, close to 300 people were called to the Divisional Forest Office (DFO) in Biswanath District for hearing regarding their Claims applications for inclusion into the National Register of Citizens. However, when no official turned up to conduct the hearing, CJP stepped in and wrote to the NRC State Coordinator. Following this…

filed against Renowned Assamese People

क्या एनारसी दावा-आपत्ति दर्ज कराने की अस्पष्ट प्रक्रियाएं, भ्रष्टाचार के लिए ज़मीन तैयार करेंगी? इन अस्पष्ट प्रावधानों की वजह से लोगों के भाग्य पर फ़ैसला करने का एकाधिकार एनआरसी अधिकारियों के हाथों में चला गया है.

एनआरसी के राज्य समन्वयक प्रतीक हजेला ने, एक नए राज्यव्यापी निर्देश में दावा-आपत्ति प्रक्रिया के लिए कुछ मानक संचालन प्रक्रियाएं बताई हैं. सामान्य के आलावा कुछ विशेष परिस्थितियों/लोगों के लिए ये दिशानिर्देश जारी किए गए हैं, जैसे 14 वर्ष के कम उम्र के बच्चों, विवाहित महिलाओं और भारत के अन्य हिस्सों से असम में आ…

filed against Renowned Assamese People

Some Claims and Objections SOPs vague: Scope for Corruption? Unclear provisions leave it entirely to NRC officials to decide people's fate

In a fresh statewide directive, Prateek Hajela, the State Coordinator of the National Register of Citizens (NRC) has shared some Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for the Claims and Objections process that deal with additional information to be taken into account while processing claims in special cases such as children under 14, married women, people who…

The One Stop Guide to Assam’s NRC Issue The Making and Re-Making of Indians as Citizens in Assam

NRC, D-Voters, Foreigners’ Tribunals, Detention Camps, Border Police… Have you been hearing these terms vis-a-vis Assam lately? If not, then welcome back to civilization. If yes, then this is your one-stop guide to everything that is happening is Assam, that has happened in Assam and that has led to the National Register of Citizens (NRC). The…

SC Extends Power To Grant Anticipatory Bail

Submit Detailed Report on District-wise Exclusions from NRC: SC to Prateek Hajela Court seeks views of AASU, AAMSU and others on Modalities for Claims and Objections

The Supreme Court has asked Prateek Hajela, the State Coordinator of the National Register of Citizens (NRC) in Assam, to submit a detailed report on the people who have been excluded from the draft list. The report that should include a district wise percentage of population not included in the NRC, has to be submitted before the…

Is the NRC Free and Fair? The Making and Re-Making of Indians as Citizens in Assam: A CJP Series

In 2014 the Supreme Court ordered an update of the National Register of Citizens under it’s watch. The NRC enjoyed widespread support and many Assamese looked at it as a free and fair process. But as months passed the process started getting more and more complicated as it began getting entwined with other parallel running…

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