
Citizens for Justice and Peace

Police Reform

India needs safe public spaces for women: A re-look at the Justice Verma Committee Report 2013 Had the recommendations of the report be implemented in time, the heinous incident of sexual violence in Hyderabad could have been prevented

In the wake of the recent case of the most brutal rape-murder of a woman veterinarian in Hyderabad, attacked and killed when returning home after work, the question of the safety of women in India has yet again generated heated debate. In 2013, the Justice Verma Committee recommended better street lighting, 24/7 public transport, more alert…

कासगंज केस में फ़र्ज़ी पुलिस जांच तह्किकाती रिपोर्ट का सनसनीखेज़ खुलासा - पुलिस ने हिन्दुओं को बचाया, मुसलमानों को फंसाया

26 जनवरी 2018, गणतंत्र दिवस, की सुबह उत्तर प्रदेश के कासगंज शहर में सांप्रदायिक दंगा भड़का. पुलिस ने दावा किया कि हिंसा तब हुई जब हिंदुओं की एक मोटरसाइकिल रैली को मुसलमानों ने अपने मोहल्ले से गुज़रने से रोका. इस रैली में भाग ले रहे चंदन गुप्ता नाम के एक हिंदू लड़के की हिंसा के दौरान…

EXCLUSIVE: How Pune Police violated the Law on Seizure and Raid PART-2: Analysis of procedural lapses during nationwide raids on activists on August 28, 2018

In law, the Search warrant, and raid, is an extreme step warranted only and if only when non-cooperation is seen or observed and the correct and proper course of action would have been for the agencies to search. To search and raid a premise is to humiliate and ostracise the victim and that is what…

EXCLUSIVE: Did the Pune Police violate Settled Law on Arrests, Seizure and Raid? PART-1: Analysis of procedural lapses during nationwide raids on activists on August 28, 2018

It is one of those judgements that hold well in statute books, the Basu case that we use, activists, lawyers and all to point out procedures that need to be followed when the state executive (police) wishes to infringe the rights of a citizen: arrest, seize, raid. It is the conclusions in this judgement that…

CJP Demands Police Reform Submits memorandum to NHRC

Citizens for Justice and Peace moved National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) demanding guidelines on how the Police behaves with peaceful protestors. The right to protest peacefully, enshrined in Article 19 of the Indian Constitution, is being eroded across the country. In many instances, the police are cracking down on those demanding action or raising awareness…

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