CJP continues its passionate on ground campaign against NPR-NRC-CAA. Addressing a massive public gathering in Beed, CJP secretary stressed on the inherent discrimination in the NPR-NRC process and the unconstitutional manner of determining citizenship through the CAA 2019. At Sane Guruji Smaraka, we conducted a volunteer training and awareness program about the dangers of the…
पूरे देश में एनआरसी लागू करने जैसे तुगलकी काम के लिए अनुमानित 54000 करोड़ का बजेट भी कम पड़ सकता है। असम के गरीबों पर एनआरसी प्रक्रिया से हुए भयानक नतीजों को देखने के बावजूद, क्या हम इसे देशभर में दोहराने की गलती कर सकते हैं? Related: Why the CAA must be opposed, because it…
जनगणना (सेंसस) और NPR प्रक्रिया को एक साथ जोड़कर और विरोधाभासी बयान जारी करके, सरकार यह दर्शाने की कोशिश कर रही है कि NPR, NRC नहीं है। असल में ये एक ही प्रक्रिया है, जानिए कैसे| Related: Why the CAA must be opposed, because it discriminates Advocate Mihir Desai’s point by point rebuttal of the…
CJP is continuously working on the ground, arranging training and workshops for common people. We are rigorously campaigning against the unconstitutionality of the Citizenship Amendment Act. We are also creating awareness about the danger of nationwide NPR-NRC. Support us to support the constitution and our fellow Indians. Related: Why the CAA must be opposed, because…
CJP’s work in Assam is going strong. Our team going to door, all over the 33 districts of Assam, and helping thousands of those genuine Indian citizens who were unfairly excluded from the NRC. Help Us Help Assam. Related: In solidarity with Assam Poverty haunts family of Subrata Dey I would have attempted suicide again…
By clubbing the Census and NPR process together and by issuing contradictory statements , the government is trying to indicate that NPR is not NRC. But it is one and the same process . Find out how. Related: Why the CAA must be opposed, because it discriminates Advocate Mihir Desai’s point by point rebuttal of…
CJP is out on the streets with citizens of India, fighting the good fight, conducting training, working with volunteers. We will continue to fight for our constitution and help those who need to be heard. Related: CJP works towards release of detainees in Assam CJP in action in Assam: Reaching remote villages to render counselling…
जानी-मानी हस्तियों और सामाजिक कार्यकर्ताओं ने भारत की मुस्लिम आबादी के अलावा उन लोगों के बारे में बताया, जो राष्ट्रव्यापी एनपीआर-एनआरसी और सीएए से सबसे अधिक प्रभावित होंगे। Related: Why the CAA must be opposed, because it discriminates Advocate Mihir Desai’s point by point rebuttal of the GOI’s FAQ on CAA/ NPR-NRC NPR-NRC – FAQs
हिंदुस्तानी कौन है? ये कौन तय करता है? सुनिए तीस्ता सेतलवाड़ से की संविधान और कानून इस बारे में क्या कहते हैं। जानिए असम में क्या हुआ था। NPR NRC तक कैसे जाता है, NRC है क्या चीज़ और नागरिकता के इस बहस का आधार क्या होना चाहिए? Related: Why the CAA must be opposed,…
सुनिए, महाराष्ट्र के सुप्रसिद्ध गायक संभाजी भगत CAA और देशव्यापी NPR-NRC के बारे में क्या कह रहें हैं . Related: नागरिकता पर क्या बोले कन्नन गोपीनाथन India’s poorest citizens will bear the brunt of NPR-NRC Why the CAA must be opposed, because it discriminates