ITEM NO.2 COURT NO.2 SECTION PIL SUPREME COURT OF INDIA RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS WRIT PETITION (CRL.) NO(s). 109 OF 2003 NATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION Petitioner(s) VERSUS STATE OF GUJARAT & ORS. Respondent(s) (With appln(s) for directions filed by A.C. And stay and intervention and direction and a note dt. 27.2.04 submitted by A.C. And directions…
ITEM NO.62 COURT NO.3 SECTION PIL SUPREME COURT OF INDIA RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS W.P. (Crl.) No. 109 of 2003 NATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION Petitioner(s) VERSUS STATE OF GUJARAT & ORS. Respondent(s) (With appln(s)for exemption directions filed by AC, stay, intervention, and direction and a note dt. 27.02.2004 submitted by A.C. and and directions) (For Final…
ITEM NO.62 COURT NO.3 SECTION PIL SUPREME COURT OF INDIA RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS W.P. (Crl.) No. 109 of 2003 NATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION Petitioner(s) VERSUS STATE OF GUJARAT & ORS. Respondent(s) (With appln(s)for exemption directions filed by AC, stay, intervention, and direction and a note dt. 27.02.2004 submitted by A.C. and and directions) (For Final…
ITEM NO.201 COURT NO.4 SECTION PIL SUPREME COURT OF INDIA RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS WRIT PETITION (CRL.) NO.109 OF 2003. NATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION Petitioner(s) VERSUS STATE OF GUJARAT & ORS. Respondent(s) [With appln(s) for directions filed by A.C. stay, intervention, direction; a note dt.27.02.2004 submitted by A.C. and directions] (For final disposal); WITH Crl.M.P.No.10719/2003 in…