
Citizens for Justice and Peace


सोशल मीडिया पर फैला मुसलमानों और रोहिंग्याओं के ख़िलाफ़ नफ़रत का ज़हर उकसाने वाले पोस्ट और उत्तेजक ट्वीट्स का उपयोग करके अल्पसंख्यक समुदाय के खिलाफ नफरत भड़काने का कपटी प्रयास

गड़े मुर्दे उखाड़ना और झूठी ख़बरों का प्रसार प्रचार करना आज के दौर में इतना ज़रूरी हो गया है कि जब भी अल्पसंख्यकों के बारे में कोई भी खबर आती है तो साथ में आती है एक ‘कांस्पीरेसी थ्योरी’ या एक षड्यंत्र का मत, जिसके ज़रिये निराधार समानांतर सिद्ध करने की कोशिश की जाती है.…

Harmony of the Hills Why the Baba Budhan Giri issue mirrors the Ayodhya Dispute

Baba Budan Giri is also known as the Babri of the south. This beautiful film explores the story and charts out the struggle of memory against forgetting. As the Babri Masjid issue is being heard by the Supreme Court, CJP looks at other, similar, cynical, politically motivated disputes that put the Ram Janma Bhoomi movement…

Equality and a Level Playing Field

Equality and a Level Playing Field Face the facts Heated reactions and debates on reservations for Muslims, conjuring up images of communal polarisation and Partition, deliberately ignore the fact that secular India has not given Muslims a fair deal BY Teesta Setalvad Reservations, and that too for Muslims? This could well be the stated or…

The Christian Community in India 2015

by John Dayal It does not happen to “other people.” It happens to “us,” though this may not be apparent at first sight. This is the sort of saying that social-psychologists, cultural anthropologists and even environmental scientists have been stressing on a range of issues as diverse as the impact of climate change to that…

The Good, Bad and Ugly – “The Good”

The good…. While many institutions of Indian democracy wilted under Hindutva’s onslaught, the secular press held its ground Peace-loving, liberal, secular-minded people who lived or ventured inside the Muslim mohallas in Bombay and elsewhere in the country in December, 1992 and in January, 1993 had a tough job on their hands. Because of Ayodhya and…

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