
Citizens for Justice and Peace


CJP’s Team is Going Beyond the Call of Duty A showcase of how our on ground activity has intensified after August 31

After the final NRC was published leaving out over 19 lakh people, CJP volunteers have fanned out across Assam to reassure those who are left out that there is still hope and we are here to help. Our teams are holding meetings and conducting sessions to educate people about the post NRC process, how to…

#HateOffender: Yogi Adityanath and his chilling hate speeches against minorities Join CJP's campaign for #HateFreeElections

From being a ‘yogi’ of modern times to being elected CM of Uttar Pradesh, but the one thing that has always remained constant about Yodi Adityanath, is his unabashed and open hate against Muslims. Mincing no words, he openly threatens to break the law and speaks against the coexistence of religions. His highly communal speeches…

Facing the Threat of Imminent Arrest Dr Anand Teltumbde speaks to Teesta Setalvad

Following police raids at his home last year, well known author, activist and Dalit intellectual Dr Anand Teltumbde now faces the threat of imminent arrest. His name figures in the largely discredited ‘Bhima Koregaon’ case of the Pune Police which makes a link between the Elgar Parishad held in Pune on 31st December 2017, activities…

सामाजिक द्वेष से लड़ने के लिए आपस में बातचीत करना ज़रूरी है: दुर्गेश पाठक Netizens for Democracy

अपने सांगठनिक कौशल के लिए चर्चा में रहने वाले आम आदमी पार्टी के दुर्गेश पाठक से CJP ने की यह ख़ास बातचीत। इस बातचीत में दुर्गेश फेक न्यूज़ और मोदीराज में फैले सामाजिक द्वेष से कैसे लड़े इसपर अपना मत रख रहे है। दुर्गेश कहते हैं की हमें आपस में बातचीत करने की ज़रुरत है…

पत्रकार नफरत का ज़रिया न बने: अभिसार शर्मा Netizens For Democracy

जाने माने पत्रकार अभिसार शर्मा अपनी खरी बोली के लिए जाने जाते है। जहाँ मोदीराज में सच बोलना ही गुनाह है, वहां अपना फ़र्ज़ निभाने के लिए अभिसार को एक नौकरी गवानी पड़ी। इस ख़ास बात चीत में पहली बार अभिसार खुल के बताते है की कैसे IB उनका पीछा करती है, कैसे पत्रकार खुद…

Gujarat Riots

Former DGP of Gujarat’s Piece

View point – for publication   Electoral mandate, fake encounters and Rule of Law The Apex Court order (25th Jan, 2012) entrusting enquiry to a retired Supreme Court judge, Justice M. B. Shah, of all 21 extra judicial killings by Gujarat Police from October 2002 to December 2006, is welcomed by all law abiding citizens.…

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