In a landmark approach to delivering justice, Justice Ventakesh, a Madras High Court judge, recently underwent sessions with a counseling psychologist and members of the LGBTQIA+ community, before passing orders in a case where a lesbian couple sought protection from violence and intimidation by their own families. Justice Venkatesh’s unique approach to jurisprudence The court…
The Madras High Court on June 7 established a landmark approach towards addressing the social issue of acceptance of the LGBTQIA+ community. The 104-page judgement delivered by Justice Venkatesh is a pioneering judgement in the way it has dealt with clearing out the court’s prejudices and has made an attempt towards transformative jurisprudence. The judgement describes in…
Kanna advanced the argument that there should not be any form of prior sanction for prosecuting a policeman in a Human Rights Court. The fact that there is the establishment of a Human Rights Court at the district level under the protection of Human Rights Act is by itself a statutory sanction. No separate sanction…
Soon after the death of Dr. Simon Hercules in Chennai and the subsequent brouhaha over his last rights, where he was denied a dignified funeral, CJP’s sister publication Sabrang India had delved deep into the subject of rights of the dead in India. Today, we feel the need to revisit this in wake of the…