
Citizens for Justice and Peace

Lynching in India

Pehlu Khan lynching: Rajasthan files appeal before HC Two appeal petitions against the acquittal of all six accused in the Alwar lynching case

The Rajasthan government and the family of Pehlu Khan filed two appeal petitions on Thursday before the Rajasthan High Court against the acquittal of all six accused in the Alwar lynching case. This came in wake of the August 14 order of a trial court at Alwar that had acquitted all six accused. They had been charged with…

Pehlu Khan Lynching Case: Lawyer describes tortuous legal journey Audio Interview with Teesta Setalvad

On the eve of the Pehlu Khan lynching judgment, Teesta Setalvad spoke to the deceased dairy farmer’s lawyer Kasim Khan. Here’s the audio interview where Advocate Khan takes us through the tortuous legal journey of this extremely controversial case. Not only was Pehlu Khan blamed for his fate, but he was also chargesheeted by the…

Celebration of Violence by Ideological Stormtroopers of the Regime is Sickening From the Secretary's Desk

Its been a challenging five years. Between 2017-2019 (between when the book was first published) until now, the lines have been even more sharply drawn. Between the vast majority of Indians committed to the fundamentals of constitutional and republican governance and a vocal section determined to violently alter the course of history, determinedly destroy the…

Lingering Fear, Distrust, Justice Delayed, Denied A Field Report From 13 Sites Of Hate Crime In Uttar Pradesh by

Varanasi: With 92 attacks, 2018 recorded the most hate crime in India in a decade, according to Hate Crime Watch, a database of religious identity-based hate crimes across India from 2009 to 2018, maintained by FactChecker. Uttar Pradesh, as per the 2011 Census, accounts for 16.5% of the country’s population. However, almost a third of the hate crimes…

Teesta Setalvad and Vishal Dadlani urge you to Fight The Mob Press Release

Human Rights Defender Teesta Setalvad and rockstar Vishal Dadlani came together in Mumbai to discuss the growing instances of mob violence and institutional scuttling of dissenting voices. The initiative called ‘Fight The Mob’ is an extension of a nationwide campaign against hate speech by human rights organisation Citizens for Justice and Peace (CJP) of which Setalvad is Secretary. “We…

India: The new Lynchdom How the fear of the 'other' drives mob violence in India

Law may not be able to make a man love him but it can keep the man from lynching him.” Martin Luther King Jr.   These words were said by Martin Luther King Jr. in the era where the racial segregation was at its peak and the African Americans targeted in the form of lynching.…

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