
Citizens for Justice and Peace

Legal Intervention

Anup Surendranath Teesta

Indian Prison Condition and Monitoring Teesta Setalvad in conversation with Anup Surendranath

In this explorative interview, CJP secretary Teesta Setalvad speaks to Assistant Professor of National Law University Delhi & executive director of Project 39A, Anup Surendranath, about the current prison conditions in India and Prison reform. They go on to talk about the challenges faced within the prison system post COVID 19, police brutality within the…

The CJP effect: SC orders no children be sent to detention camps in Assam Interim order protects children excluded from NRC; Attorney General required to record an undertaking

The Supreme Court has passed an interim order protecting children excluded from Assam’s National Register of Citizens (NRC) from being sent to detention centres. CJP had moved an application seeking directions from the apex court, drawing attention to Constitutional and legal obligations. We had prayed, specifically, that no child  excluded from the NRC is either sent…

Gauhati High Court Has Given A New Lease Of Life To Tribunals in Assam

Mere absence after filing documents not justification for FT order against proceedee: Gauhati HC Landmark order is a lifeline for people declared foreigner in ex parte judgments by FTs

In a significant order delivered on December 20, the Gauhati High Court has given a new lease of life to those defending their citizenship before Foreigners’ Tribunals in Assam. The court has ruled that if the proceedee is unable to appear for hearings but has filed relevant documents, they must be taken into consideration and…

Following CJP’s complaint NHRC initiates inquiry in Sultanpur rape case The Commission has asked for a report from the U.P. police

NHRC has taken up the cudgels to ensure women’s safety in the country, as it recently asked state governments as well as the Centre to submit SOP on women’s safety measures. It is proving to be a strong entity and nodal agency for human rights and is actively taking cognizance of issues, something that is…

Mass protests & Sansad Gherao against continued Adivasi evictions Forest Rights Groups prepare to protest the dilution of FRA 2006

Forest Rights Groups are preparing for a ‘Sansad Gherao’ on November 21st at Sansad Marg, Delhi. The Gherao, along with state, district and village level actions, have been planned to protest violations of people’s rights and dilution of Forest Rights Act of 2006 despite a Supreme Court stay on evictions. Come join us in this…

A look at how Foreigners’ Tribunals have fared since 2015 Observations made by the bench of the Guwahati HC monitoring Foreigners Tribunals in Assam, 2015-2019

A Guwahati High Court bench, which has been holding hearings since March 2015 under the directions of the Supreme Court, has been monitoring and continues to monitor the functioning of the existing Foreigners Tribunals in Assam. During the past 4 years many things have come to light with respect to the hurdles in the day…

SC offers Relief to Assam Detention Camp Inmates
biki dey

Subrata Dey Died in Detention Camp, CJP counsels and assists his family The plight of genuine Indian Citizens in Assam

Subrata Dey was found dead under mysterious circumstances in Goalpara detention camp leaving behind his wife Karuna, teenaged son Biki, young daughter Sucheta and mother Anima Dey. His family was dependent on the income from his modest tea shop but now they are living hand to mouth with whatever they could earn by making and…


SC admits Intervention Applications by CJP and AIUFWP to defend Forest Rights Act 2006 CJP fights for FRA 2006

The intervention application filed by the Adivasi women and forest movement leaders Sokalo Gond and Nivada Rana backed by the All India Union of Forest Working People (AIUFWP) and Citizens for Justice and Peace (CJP), two organisations that have been actively campaigning for forest rights, have been admitted by the Supreme court of India. We’ve…

Legal Eagles Join Forces with CJP in Assam CJP takes a delegation of lawyers and journalists to Assam

On June 27th 2019 CJP took a delegation of eminent lawyers and senior journalists to Assam to assess ground realities as well as devise a strategy to help genuine Indian citizens, especially those from marginalised and low income backgrounds navigate the tortuous claims process as well as proceedings before Foreigners’ Tribunals (FT). Related: Citizens for…

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