
Citizens for Justice and Peace

Land Acquisition

Damodar Turi’s battle in Jharkhand Human Rights Defender

Damodar Turi has been at the forefront of several protests against forced land acquisition and displacement of Adivasi communities in Jharkhand. He was arrested on February 15 (2018) from Ranchi under the UAPA Act and later put into solitary confinement on March 23 (2018) along with other activists. As per the law, solitary confinement of…

Rights of Farmers, Agricultural Labourers and Forest Workers in India Community Resource

India has always been a predominantly agrarian economy give the abundance of rivers and fertile soil across the country. From the golden fields of wheat in Punjab, to maize, millet and pulses thriving in the alluvial rich vast agricultural expanse of the flood plains of the Ganga and its tributaries, to the lush paddy fields…


Sonebhadra’s Daughter Sukalo Human Rights Defender Profile

This is the story of Sukalo Gond, an adivasi woman who refused to back down and continues to fight for the rights of her people despite all odds, even today. Sukalo is an important force in the struggle for implementation of Forest Rights Act 2006 in the Sonebhadra, a heavily forested region in Uttar Pradesh. Adivasis…

“चाहे मंदिर बने, चाहे मस्जिद बने, हमको कोई मतलब नहीं है!” Voice from Ayodhya : A Peace Initiative

राम जन्म भूमी – बाबरी मस्जिद विवाद में जिस ज़मीन की बात होती है, वहां “सीता की रसोई” नमक एक स्थल है| पर आज के अयोध्या शहर में गृहणियां किस प्रकार आर्थिक परिस्थितियों से जूंह रहीं हैं इसका अंदाज़ा लगाना मुश्किल है| आइये जानते हैं की आज की सीता की रसोई में क्या पक रहा…

Ayodhya ka Chaiwala

“खेत अधिग्रहित हो गया, मुआवज़ा नहीं मिला। अब चाय बेच के गुज़ारा करतें हैं” : अयोध्या का चाय वाला Voices from Ayodhya : A Peace Initiative

शिवम् के दादाजी की फूल और सब्जियों के खेती थी। सारा उत्पाद अयोध्या में ही बिक जाता और परिवार कुशल-मंगल रहता था। परन्तु बाबरी विवाद छिड़ने के बाद, उनके खेत की ज़मीन सरकार ने अधिग्रहित कर ली और शिवम् के अनुसार उन्हें कोई मुआवज़ा नहीं दिया गया। आज यह नवयुवक चाय बेच कर अपने परिवार…

Roma Malik

Roma: Unbowed, Unbroken, Unbent Human Rights Defender Profile

Roma Malik is known for working closely with the forest dwelling communities in Uttar Pradesh. She is also known for liasing with local authorities and the judicial system to bring to force, a just framework for the enforcement and implementation of forest rights of the indigenous people of India. She is the leading figure of…

Justice for the Incarcerated Tribals of Jharkand PIL against fake FIRs and false cases against Adivasis

The petition filed by Stan Swamy and others, after a detailed fact finding in Jharkand seeks to enforce the fundamental right to speedy trials of the ignorant and deprived members of the indigenous / downtrodden communities from the scheduled tribes and scheduled castes and other backward classes of Jharkhand facing trials in the courts. Over…

Land Acquisition Act Legislative Brief and Factsheet

Land Laws Under BJP Regimes In 2014 itself, months after assuming power, the Modi regime tried to test the political waters by bringing in a Land Acquisition Ordinance to  overturn a 2013 Law that had, itself re-visted colonial legislation that empowered the forest official and timber mafia to exploit forest dwellers and tribals. United Opposition…

भूमि अधिग्रहण कानून, २०१३ में बदलाव – एक समीक्षा

मुंबई-नागपूर समृद्धी महामार्ग निर्माण के लिये जरुरी जमीन अधिग्रहण में किसानों के उग्र विरोध के चलते पूरी प्रक्रिया में रुकावट पैदा हो गई है. इससे फिर एक बार जमीन अधिग्रहण का मुद्दा सार्वजनिक चर्चा का केंद्र बन रहा है. स्वतंत्रता के पश्चात, सरकार ने विकास हेतु नियोजन के रास्ते को चुना. इसके तहत कृषी क्षेत्र…

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