
Citizens for Justice and Peace

Human Rights Activist

Dr. Kafeel Khan: From fighting the UP Government to fighting for public health Human Rights Defender Profile

As the Allahabad high court called Dr Kafeel Khan’s detention, under the NSA, illegal and ordered the government to free him immediately, let’s take a look at his journey from being the whistle-blower in the case of 2017 Gorakhpur deaths to his constant struggle for public healthcare. All this while battling the charges that the…

CJP mourns the untimely demise of Dr. Abhay Xaxa His loss will be mourned by Adivasis and democratic movements across India

We, at CJP, had the privilege of working with Adivasi activist, poet and scholar Dr. Abhay Xaxa, who passed away on 14th March 2020. Watch this video to see a few excerpts from an interview in Mumbai, last year. Hul Johar Abhay Xaxa. Related: The Republic of Memory Lost Beautiful Damaged People Spaces of Higher…

This women’s day CJP celebrates all women in resistance We salute all the brave women who speak up against oppression and violence

From the brave foot-soldiers who work on the ground to the ones who support them vocally, from the tribal lands inside the forest to the urban metros, from leaders to followers, from asking important questions to fighting it in courts and beyond, brave women have time and again taken ownership to march against wrongdoings and…

Rajkumari of Dhuma: Fighting for her rights with a song on her lips Human Rights Defender

“Our struggle is neither against the dam nor against the brokers; we are demanding our rights. We are demanding our land” says Rajkumari, a fiery activist of the Kaimur Kisan Andolan, which is part of the All India Union of Forest Working People (AIUFWP). Rajkumari Bhuiya from Dhuma has grown into an immutable voice who…

activists Indira Jaising and Anand Grover

State targets activists Indira Jaising and Anand Grover again! CJP condemns repression, invites signatures in support of Human Rights Defenders (HRDs)

Citizens for Justice and Peace condemns the raids on senior advocates Indira Jaising and Anand Grover. Here’s our official statement. Please indicate in comments if you would like to endorse this and we will add your name as a signatory. We, the undersigned individuals strongly condemn the raids at the homes and offices of senior…

Zamser Ali: A Ray of hope for the people of Assam Human Rights Defender

This is the story of Zamser Ali, a journalist and activist from Assam, whose unceasing fight against the system to reinstate the human rights of the poorest of the poor is not only inspiring but overwhelming. Zamser continues to work on the ground, trying to make this world a better place, one day at a…

A Ray of Hope for all Refugee Communities in India Teesta Setalvad in Conversation with Ubais Sainulabdeen

In this conversation, human rights activist, Ubais Sainulabdeen who runs the Ubais Sainulabdeen Peace Foundation talks about his journey in the service for the refugee communities in India. His work for the rehabilitation of the displaced ranges from providing aid and support on a daily basis to leading the legal work for securing their rights bound…

Birthday of sudho sona

ट्रेड यूनियनिस्ट से ‘अर्बन नक्सल’ तक सुधा भारद्वाज की यात्रा मानवाधिकार रक्षक का परिचय

1961 में जन्मीं सुधा भारद्वाज  25 वर्षों से भी अधिक छत्तीसगढ़ के मजदूर आन्दोलनों का हिस्सा रही हैं. वे पीपुल्स यूनियन फॉर सिविल लिबर्टीज़ (पीयूसीएल) की छत्तीसगढ़ इकाई की सचिव हैं, साथ ही यौन हिंसा व राजकीय दमन के ख़िलाफ़ महिलाएं (डब्ल्यूएसएस) की सदस्य भी हैं.   बिलासपुर में कई सालों तक रहने और काम करने के बाद, सुधा भारद्वाज…

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