
Citizens for Justice and Peace


Rights protect, policy evicts? Laws, procedures and international statutes pertaining to Housing and Eviction

While the law and jurisprudence have created obstructions, there are instances where the Courts have stepped in to protect and emphasise the right to live without forced evictions and the right to housing. In wake of the forced evictions and killings in Assam, perhaps it is time to take a closer look at these rights.…

India’s Housing Crisis

India’s Housing Crisis: How the Poor Always Get a Raw Deal

For activists and human rights defenders, engaging with issues of settlements, housing and eviction, has always posed a challenge. While there may be an understandable revulsion to the increasing brutality and violence with which most local authorities have been carrying out demolitions or evacuations, the sense of entitlement in the middle and professional classes fails…

Kathputli Colony

Destruction in the Name of Development

On October 28, 2017 in a spectacular, display of force and violence, the Delhi Development Authority (DDA) started a brutal and questionably legal, demolition drive destroying buildings standing for 40 years now. Activists and students defending them were brutally hurt. We spoke to Annie Raja, leading political activist and general secretary of the NFIW (National Federation…

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