
Citizens for Justice and Peace

Hiren Gohain

CJP condemns attempts to stifle Democratic Voices in Assam Sedition charges against Dr. Hiren Gohain are ridiculous!

As protests erupt all across India’s North East over the Citizenship Amendment Bill, an attempt is being made to stifle democratic voices like that of eminent intellectual Dr Hiren Gohain. As one of Assam’s tallest intellectuals who represents the pulse of the state, it is rather ridiculous to accuse him for sedition. Citizens for Justice…

BREAKING: Dr. Hiren Gohain reacts to Sedition case against him Assamese intellectual had opposed Citizenship Amendment Bill

Reacting to the sedition charges against him, Dr Hiren Gohain makes it clear that whatever he has being saying against the citizenship amendment bill , has been in favor of secularism and hence in favor of a democratic India. In fact, it seems that the sedition case against him is just a pressure tactic by…

I condemn the Citizenship Amendment Bill: Dr Hiren Gohain Assamese intellectual opposes religious discrimination at the heart of the bill

The central government’s move to grant citizenship to non-Muslims from India’s neighbouring countries has faced enormous opposition in the North East. According to several of those who oppose the bill, it is in direct contravention of the Assam Accord. Here, Assam’s tallest intellectual Dr Hiren Gohain speaks out for secularism and against the Citizenship Amendment…

Communal forces are trying to derail the NRC: Dr. Hiren Gohain The Making and Re-Making of Indians as Citizens in Assam: A CJP Series

Eminent literary critic Hiren Gohain talks to CJP about the history of the National Register of Citizens (NRC) and how communal forces are trying to derail the NRC process.   Related: NRC is the way to solve the migration issue democratically: Akhil Gogoi NRC से गायब हुआ पूर्व राष्ट्रपति के परिजनों का नाम! Assamese groups…

An Open Letter to Indians on NRC in Assam Eminent intellectual Dr. Hiren Gohain explains the need for NRC and lays bare the politics

We in Assam feel acutely that some stakeholders in the dispute are getting looked at from the wrong end of the telescope. They are being reviled as brutal chauvinists and what not. Some might fit that description, not everybody. Does anybody care that people here who are indigenes also have a serious problem with the…

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