The Rajasthan government and the family of Pehlu Khan filed two appeal petitions on Thursday before the Rajasthan High Court against the acquittal of all six accused in the Alwar lynching case. This came in wake of the August 14 order of a trial court at Alwar that had acquitted all six accused. They had been charged with…
Retired Judge of Bombay High Court, Justice Abhay Thipsay, renowned for his exceptional judgments that have always favored the powerless, speaks to CJP on the sidelines of the Netizens for Democracy event. Among other things, he touches upon the mysterious death of Justice Loya and the travesty of justice that was the Sohrabuddin case. …
The Pune Police tried to thwart the High Court Order and forcibly detained human rights defender Sudha Bhardawaj. Watch this video to know all the facts.