
Citizens for Justice and Peace

Health care

India’s ASHA workers: Overworked, underpaid and exploited? Baseline health activists still struggle with delayed payments and no incentives

As part of the government’s National Rural Health Mission (NRHM), a new group of baseline health workers called Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHA workers) was formed in 2005 to address health related demands of the rural population, especially women and children, who find it arduous to access basic health services. The government guidelines laid down several…

Right to health: Obligations of the State How the government is expected to protect your health

The Covid-19 crisis has given fresh momentum to conversations surrounding our Right to Health. From the right to basic medication to a demand for vaccine camps for all, organisations like CJP have been at the forefront of defending this right. However, when it comes to the obligations of the State to serve its people, what…

Almost, but not quite… Which states fared moderately well in controlling Covid-19 and why?

The pandemic, while bringing on a sea of tragedies for Indians, has exposed the unpreparedness of callous governments which left people to the mercy of an over-burdened and structurally weak healthcare system. While the enormity of the second wave of Covid in India caught the central as well as state governments off guard. Some states,…

स्वास्थ्य सेवाओं का सामाजिकीकरण ही उपाय है, निजीकरण है अभिशाप : विशेषज्ञ स्वास्थ्य के अधिकार (राइट टू हेल्थ) का एक मज़बूत कानून लागू होना चाहिए, ताकि आम इंसान इस तरह बेमौत न मारा जाए

कोरोना महामारी से पहले भी आम आदमी के स्वास्थ्य के मुद्दे पर सरकारें सो रही थीं और अब भी सरकार सो रही है। जिस समय अस्पताल बनाने चाहिए थे, दवाईयां खरीदनी चाहिए थी, उस समय मंदिर बना रहे थे, राफेल खरीद रहे थे, चुनाव लड़ रहे थे और कुंभ नहाया जा रहा था। और तो…

Covid-19: Which states fared worst and why? Examining the role of misplaced priorities and poor planning

The second wave of the Coronavirus pandemic has surely been aggravated by a casual attitude towards world trends and an absence of preparedness overall. Election rallies and religious gatherings where hundreds of thousands gathered unchecked were allowed. The second wave has been reportedly fueled by two variants- B.1.617 (that was first found in December, 2020…

Covid-19: Which states fared well and why? Examining the role of higher public spending and better management of resources

The pandemic while bringing on a sea of tragedies for Indians, has exposed the unpreparedness of callous governments which left people to the mercy of an over-burdened and a structurally weak health system. While the enormity of the second wave of Covid in India caught the central as well as state governments off guard, the…

ASHA’s from across Maharashtra Gather in Mumbai Demanding government's attention and better pay

Recognised as Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHAs), these women are suffering because despite their hard work and critical role in improving the health and hygiene of people in villages across India they are not recognized as government employees and are grossly underpaid. Barring a few states, ASHA workers do not get fixed salaries, but incentives…


Tale of Despair: Patients Living on Pavements Outside AIIMS

With a large number of patients and a shortage of night shelters, thousands of patients are spending days in the subway of AIIMS metro station or on the pavement outside AIIMS, as they wait for treatment, writes Rajat Mishra, a student pursuing Master in Journalism at AJK Mass Communication Research Centre, Jamia Milia Islamia University. Not…

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