Updesh Rana, national Secretary of Vishwa Sanatan Sangh, repeatedly posts hate speeches and viral content online that seem to have found a lot of young viewers, who follow and support him religiously. Updesh’s name is being linked to the Delhi Riots 2020, with some provocative WhatsApp texts’ screenshots doing the rounds, allegedly sent by him…
Amidst the Delhi riots 2020, CJP came across the (now deleted) profile of Ragni Tiwari, which was being misused to spread hate and was full of provocative content.Ragni Tiwari, who calls herself a ‘dharmyodhya’ is a member of Rashtriya Azad Manch. Her Facebook profile contained incendiary videos and rants against minorities. On February 23, 2020,…
इस याचिका पर sign करें http://chng.it/HmTNbHDNvt कहा जा रहा है कि उत्तर-पूर्वी दिल्ली में हुए दंगों में कपिल मिश्रा एवं अन्य भाजपा नेताओं के भड़काऊ भाषणों का बड़ा हाथ है । कपिल मिश्रा पहले से ही सांप्रदायिक ज़हर फैलाने के लिए मशहूर है । क्या उनके ख़िलाफ़ करवाई होगी ? Related: Press Release: CJP and…
Dilip Ghosh, BJP President in West Bengal, known for making threatening remarks in the past, and a repeat offender when it comes to making inciting statements, now makes controversial comments asking beef eaters to eat dog meat and venerates “desi cow” milk calling it golden milk. In line with his own track record over the…
The complaint sent to Aaj Tak against the inflammatory content aired by them and their provocative Twitter post failed to elicit a response. Hence, in pursuance to our campaign against hateful content, we have filed a complaint before the NBSA seeking punitive action. On October 16, the NBSA (News Broadcasting Standards Authority) issued a special…
Once again, in wake of Kamlesh Tiwari’s murder in Lucknow, it was Twitter, the micro blogging site used by 350 million Indians that became the battleground, figuratively, of a deeply communal war. For three days, starting Saturday, October 19, venomous hashtags have been used against Islam and Muslims, threatening to break out into physical retribution,…
While covering the Ayodhya dispute case, Aaj Tak resorted to certain practices which were violative of the guidelines issued by the News Broadcasting Standards Authority (NBSA). The channel not only aired a debate where participants were allowed to make hateful statements against the minority community, it also made a post on twitter about another show…
In a flagrant violation of the Rule 3 of the Model Code of Conduct set by the Election Commission for Political Parties and Candidates, BJP Mumbai Chief Mangal Pratap Lodha delivered a communally charged speech at a rally in Mumbadevi on Wednesday. While the EC took cognizance of the matter suo motu keeping the repercussions…
Hari Om, an accused in the 2015 Dadri lynching case was arrested after an encounter with police in Greater Noida, UP, this month. Though Hari Om was granted bail in the mob lynching case he was later wanted in at least four cases of robbery and dishonestly receiving stolen property in Ghaziabad. When UP police…
As a part of our ongoing Hate Watch campaign, we have now identified several additional social media accounts, particularly on Facebook, which are full of abusive and hateful posts. It appears that Facebook has become the platform of choice for influencers, troll armies and even ordinary people to spread hate, fake news and misinformation thereby threatening…