Kasganj, Uttar Pradesh: Recalling his reaction on hearing that all three of his buses had been set afire by a mob, Abdul* said his first emotion was not fear. It was panic. In January 2018, a ‘Tiranga Yatra’ (Tricolour March) taken out by Hindu activists on Republic Day triggered a communal clash in Kasganj in western…
Today, on the 71st anniversary of the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi, a true messiah of peace, we at Citizens for Justice and Peace (CJP) are strengthening our resolve to ending the culture of hate and bigotry that threatens the socio-cultural fabric of our nation. We are launching Hate Hatao, a revolutionary new app designed to fight…
Citizens for Justice and Peace launches a simple yet revolutionary app to help fight hate. In this video CJP secretary Teesta Setalvad explains what the app does and how to recognize signs of trouble and hence how to prevent petty prejudices escalating into large scale violence. Related: Hate Hatao: CJP’s New App to…
सालों से नफ़रत और हिंसा का मुकाबला कर रही CJP पेश करती है एक क्रांतिकारी नया APP – हेट हटाओ। बढ़ती साम्प्रदायिक हिंसा और घृणा के बिगड़ते माहौल में हेट हटाओ ऐप से आप उपयुक्त सबूतों जैसे कि, स्क्रीनशॉट, वीडियो या एक तस्वीर के ज़रिए अभद्र भाषा, धमकी और हेट स्पीच से जुड़े अपराधों को…
Hate Hatao is part of Citizens for Justice and Peace’s ‘Hate Watch campaign’, which spreads awareness and understanding about speech that incites hate and violence against marginalised groups. Democratic societies are not free of either prejudice, stereotype or ‘other-ing’. Arguably, democracies in the making, or unfinished democracies, augment the cleavages already existent within structures of society…
Adhauli village, Bulandshahr: Now, with the benefit of hindsight, people can connect the dots and see the pattern emerging across hate crimes in Uttar Pradesh (UP). It starts with a minor incident, controversial enough to draw the crowds, but the situation remains on slow burn. Until people from outside the village appear, fueling passions and inciting…
Varanasi: With 92 attacks, 2018 recorded the most hate crime in India in a decade, according to Hate Crime Watch, a database of religious identity-based hate crimes across India from 2009 to 2018, maintained by FactChecker. Uttar Pradesh, as per the 2011 Census, accounts for 16.5% of the country’s population. However, almost a third of the hate crimes…
From their inception, Communalism Combat (Sabrang India) and Citizens for Justice and Peace, have been committed to combating hate speech, given how it often incites violence against marginalised communities. From our on-ground work through dialogue and Mohalla Committees to winning the NASSCOM Award for our technology driven Peace Map initiative, we have aimed to constantly forge innovative…
Hate speech is everywhere on social media and more often than not, reporting it isn’t the easiest thing to do. For this very reason, an app aimed at combating hate mongering, particularly on social media, has just been launched. Citizens of Justice and Peace (CJP), a Mumbai-based NGO has just launched ‘Hate Hatao’, an app which…