The Supreme Court has restrained Sudarshan News from further telecasting the rest of the episodes in its “UPSC Jihad” series while observing that the program was “insidious”. The bench comprising Justices DY Chandrachud, Indu Malhotra and KM Joseph was hearing a petition filed by Firoz Iqbal Khan against the communally inflammatory show seeking pre-telecast injunction…
With friends in high places, Editor-in-Chief Suresh Chavhanke aired his controversial show ‘Bindas Bol’ alleging Muslims were ‘infiltrating’ the central services in great numbers. This is the first of the nine episode series, where he claims to bring ‘proof’ to show that the educated Muslim community was joining the civil services in ‘massive’ numbers. However,…
CJP has received a response from News Broadcasting Standards Authority (NBSA) on its complaint against Sudarshan News that the complaint has been directed to the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (I&B) since the news channel is not a member of News Broadcasters Association (NBA). The response states, “This is to inform you that Sudarshan TV…
Citizens for Justice and Peace (CJP) has filed a complaint with the News Broadcasting Standards Authority (NBSA) in connection with a communally inflammatory promotional video for a show on the presence of minorities in public service. This complaint is against Sudarshan News, a television news channel, for a trailer of the show alleging ‘UPSC Jihad’ that…
The channel allegedly borrowed the deeply communal term from social media and ran a complete show propagating various types of Jihad in the country categorising them as soft jihad and hard jihad. In March, Zee News aired a programme hosted by Mr. Sudhir Chaudhary called “DNA: Jammu मेंज़मीन के ‘इस्लामीकरण’ का DNA टेस्ट” (DNA test…
India Today has been conducting investigative journalism on COVID-19 related matters and in the 4th part of this series, its focus was on Madrasas. This show titled “Madrasa Hotpots: India Today Investigation” was hosted by Rahul Kanwal and was aired on April 10. This show was heavily and widely criticised for being blatantly Islamophobic and…
Updesh Rana, national Secretary of Vishwa Sanatan Sangh, repeatedly posts hate speeches and viral content online that seem to have found a lot of young viewers, who follow and support him religiously. Updesh’s name is being linked to the Delhi Riots 2020, with some provocative WhatsApp texts’ screenshots doing the rounds, allegedly sent by him…
Amidst the Delhi riots 2020, CJP came across the (now deleted) profile of Ragni Tiwari, which was being misused to spread hate and was full of provocative content.Ragni Tiwari, who calls herself a ‘dharmyodhya’ is a member of Rashtriya Azad Manch. Her Facebook profile contained incendiary videos and rants against minorities. On February 23, 2020,…
In wake of back-to-back instances of armed men discharging their weapons on peaceful protesters, first outside Jamia Milia Islamia University (JMIU) and then at Shaheen Bagh, where a majority of the protesters are women, Citizens for Justice and Peace (CJP) and All India Union of Forest Working People (AIUFWP) have come together in solidarity with…
In a huge victory for secular forces in the country, the National Broadcasting Standards Authority (NBSA) has reprimanded Aaj Tak for broadcasting communally divisive and inflammatory content during its coverage of the verdict in the Ram Janmabhoomi – Babri Masjid case. On October 16, 2019, Aaj Tak had aired a debate show where participants were allowed to make…