
Citizens for Justice and Peace


Making India Stronger

साहस और सहानुभूति के साथ मज़बूत होता भारत मिलिए उन मानवाधिकार रक्षकों से जो साल 2018 में लाखों लोगों के प्रेरणा स्रोत रहे

देश में एकता, समरसता और सामंजस्य बनाए रखने, संविधान में दिए अधिकारों और आज़ादी को कायम रखने की कोशिशों में, साधारण से नज़र आने वाले कुछ आम भारतीय नागरिकों ने असाधारण साहस और करुणा का परिचय दिया है. यहां कुछ ऐसे ही लोगों का ज़िक्र कर रहे हैं जो मानवाधिकार रक्षक की भूमिका में सभी…

Judgments and Orders that Empowered Citizens in 2018 Decisions by Indian courts that helped strengthen Human Rights

2018 was an important year in the courts for several key human rights issues. Here is the annual round up of 12 such judgments that helped deliver justice and set right several historical wrongs. SC respects Hadiya’s choice On March 8, 2018, the Supreme Court set aside a Kerala High Court judgment that had annulled…

Making India Stronger

Making India Stronger with Courage and Compassion Meet the Human Rights Defenders who inspired millions in 2018

Ordinary Indian citizens showed exceptional compassion and commitment to maintaining harmony as well as upholding the rights and freedoms guaranteed to all in out Constitution. Their exemplary courage inspires us all. Here’s are some Human Rights Defenders who are a beacon of hope for everyone.   Sokalo Gond Sokalo Gond is an Adivasi forest rights activist…

As Woman, Citizen and a Muslim: How Courts Have Treated the Hadiya Case Love Jihad and Freedom of Faith, How have the Kerala HC and SC Dealt with Both

The Indian judiciary has gained a reputation for its tenuous tussles with the concept of religion. Interfaith marriages and religious conversion have been met with suspicion and convolutions ‘born as the result of a macabre mating ritual between patriarchy and bigotry’. ‘Love Jihad’ has been woven into a dominant caste Hindu narrative of religious extremism,…

When Love is an Act of Defiance A Timeline of Love Jihad cases From Silja to Hadiya to Afrazul

It all began when a man fell in love with a woman and they decided to get married. Ordinarily that would make for a Badjatiya approved sanskaari romance, but because it was an interfaith marriage, specifically one between a Hindu woman and a Muslim man, things got violent, ugly and bitter quickly. This is the…

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