
Citizens for Justice and Peace

Gulberg Massacre

Remembering Gulberg: Revisiting the Ruins 17 years after the massacre, Ehsan Jafri and Azhar Mody's Families meet at Gulberg Society

On February 28, 2002 a raging mob descended on Gulberg Society in Gujarat, baying for the blood of its residents. Many of them took refuge in the home of former Congress Member of Parliament Ehsan Jafri. Infact, when the crowd became uncontrollable, Jafri bravely stepped out to reason with them. But they lynched him brutally…

‘मामला’ क्या है? तीस्ता सेतलवाड़ पर मुक़दमों की झड़ी का ख़ुलासा

गुजरात दंगो में साज़िश की जांच के लिए ज़किया जाफ़री और तीस्ता सेतलवाड़ की अर्ज़ी जैसे ही सुप्रीम कोर्ट में पहुंची, गुजरात के विभिन्न न्यायालयों में तीस्ता सेतलवाड़ के खिलाफ चल रहे मामले उफान मारने लगे। लेकिन ऐसा पहली बार नहीं हो रहा है। किडनैपिंग से लेकर जालसाज़ी तक हर तरह के केस झेल चुकी…

Justice should be Reformative, not Retributive: Teesta Setalvad CJP stands against the Death Penalty

This International Day against Death Penalty, we solemnly reaffirm our commitment towards ensuring justice remains a tool for reformation and not retribution. Over the past 15 years, we have spearheaded more than 68 court cases related to the Gujarat 2002 carnage. And though we have successfully secured the conviction of 168 people, not once have we demanded…

Gujarat Riots

15 Years of CJP A Timeline of campaigns and petitions spearheaded by us

Over the last 15 years CJP has been working tirelessly to secure justice for victims and survivors of communal violence. We have been fighting for the rights of all Indians in the courts and beyond. Here’s a quick timeline of all our big and small accomplishments so far.       [TIMELINE-23263]

Zaki Jafri, Teesta Setalvad

How the Supreme Court Dealt with the Zakia Jafri Case Part 2 of a Four Part Exclusive Interview with Senior Advocate Mihir Desai

In the second part of the a four part interview, senior counsel , Mihir Desai explains how the Supreme Court deals with the complicated issues in the Zakia Jafri case, given the enormity of evidence. After the Supreme Court remands the case back to the Magistrate (September 12, 2011), Zakia Jafri is given the right…

Mihir Desai, Senior Lawyer

Evidence Unearthed in the Zakia Jafri Case Part 3 of a Four Part Interview with Senior Advocate Mihir Desai

In the third of the four part interview, senior counsel, Mihir Desai traces the wealth of evidence that indicates the chain of command responsibility and criminal conspiracy behind the genocidal carnage in Gujarat 2002. He also explains how the evidence of Sanjiv Bhatt was never a pillar of either the criminal complaint files by Zakia…

Order of the Gujarat High Court Dated October 5, 2017, Judge Sonia Gokhani

The 153 page Order partially allowed the criminal revision application of Zakia Jafri, holding that Magistrate BG Ganatra was wrong in holding (Order dated 26.12.2013) that he had no scope or powers to order criminal compliant  further investigation. Zakia Jafri had filed her criminal complaint before the Gujarat Police on June 8, 2006 and when…

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