
Citizens for Justice and Peace

Gujarat Cases

तीस्ता सेतलवाड़ पर मुक़दमों की झड़ी का ख़ुलासा Coming Soon

आखिर सरकार तीस्ता सेतलवाड़ पर इतनी मेहरबान क्यों है? क्यों करती रहती है मुक़दमों की पुष्प-वर्षा? हर अड़चनों को फलांद कर ज़किया जाफ़री के साथ तीस्ता सेतलवाड़ का सुप्रीम कोर्ट तक का सफर, केवल उड़ती ख़बर पर

Zakia Jafri Case back in Spotlight

Zakia Jafri Case back in the Spotlight Press Release

Zakia Jafri’s Special Leave Petition (SLP) against the order of the Gujarat High Court (dated October 5, 2017) dismissing her challenge to Magistrate Ganatra’s Order (dated December 26, 2013) and confirming the Closure Report of the SIT (dated December 8, 2012) came up for hearing before the Supreme Court of India today. The matter has…

Countering All Allegations CJP Places All Facts on Record

CJP Secretary Teesta Setalvad has been constantly targeted by a vindictive state using false cases, intimidation tactics and a vicious media campaign. This witch hunt is how they are punishing her for daring to speak up against the powerful perpetrators of the 2002 Gujarat genocide. Now, we would like to set the record straight and…

Legal Technicalities in the Zakia Zafri Case Part 4 of a Four Part Interview with Senior Advocate Mihir Desai

Senior counsel, Mihir Desai explains how two FIRs can be filed in matters of grave crimes and how courts have approached the issue of larger conspiracy. How far has the High Court gone in its judgement of 5th October, 2017? The High Court has not analysed or examined this evidence.

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