
Citizens for Justice and Peace

fra 2006

Land Claims Chitrakoot

History created as forest land claims are filed for 8 villages in Chitrakoot Our teams have been putting together all documentation necessary to file community claims

AIUFWP and CJP make history as Forest Land Claims are filed in Chitrakoot, a forested region in UP, for eight villages. Our teams have been toiling relentlessly in Chitrakoot, even amidst the Covid-19 pandemic, putting together all documentation necessary to file community claims to forest land and conducting online sessions with community leaders and grassroots…

farm bills and FRA conversation

फार्म बिल का विरोध और वन अधिकार: एक वार्तालाप कृषि कानून, उसका विरोध और वन अधिकार

CJP सचिव तीस्ता सेतलवाड़ ने AIUFWP के महासचिव अशोक चौधरी, उप सचिव रोमा मलिक, AIUFWP नेताओं और फार्म बिल पर वन निवासियों के साथ एक लंबी एवं विस्तृत बातचीत की, जिसमे विरोध प्रदर्शन और वन अधिकारों और उनकी ऐतिहासिक प्रासंगिकता के सम्बन्ध में चर्चा हुई. Related: AIUFWP और वन आश्रित समुदाय ने किसान विरोधी कानून…

Forest Rights and AIUFWP

AIUFWP और वन आश्रित समुदाय ने किसान विरोधी कानून के खिलाफ़ मोर्चा खोला उनकी मांग है कि हाल में थोपे गए तीनो कृषि कानून ख़ारिज किए जाएँ 

केंद्र सरकार के किसान विरोधी कानूनों के विरुद्ध CJP के सहयोगी संगठन AIUFWP ने भी अपनी आवाज़ बुलंद की है क्योंकि यह मसला केवल किसानों का ही नहीं, बल्कि भारत के जंगलो में बसने वाली 20 से 30 करोड़ आबादी का भी है. वनाश्रित समुदाय का एक बहुत बड़ा हिस्सा किसान है और उनका जीवन…

Forest Rights and Covid-19: Through the eyes of UP and Uttarakhand grassroot activists Part-1 of CJP’s webinar reveals how authorities are abusing their power to usurp rights of forest dwellers

On August 7 and 8, 2020, Citizens for Justice and Peace (CJP) and All India Union of Forest Working People (AIUFWP) conducted a two-day webinar titled Forest Rights Movement and Covid-19. The objective of this unique initiative was to provide a platform to forest rights defenders to share how officials of the forest department, police force…

AIUFWP and CJP pushback on the violence faced by forest communities For the rights of Forest Working People

Following the spate of violence faced by the Tharu women and Van Gujjars in Dudhwa and Rajaji National Park at the hands of the forest authorities, AIUFWP along with CJP has taken strict steps on the ground to fight for the rights of the forest working people. Forest Rights : Shelter destroyed in Uttarakhand Forest…

पर्यावरण दिवस पर सोनभद्र से सोकालो गोंड का संदेश Sokalo Gond, Leading Member of AIUFWP, on World Environment Day

जल, जंगल , ज़मीन के लिए लड़ने वाली , अखिल भारतीय वन-जन श्रमजीवी यूनियन की वरिष्ठ नेत्री सोकालो गोंड का पर्यावरण दिवस पर सोनभद्र से संदेश Related: Sokalo Gond and Nivada Rana move SC demanding forest rights Sokalo: An Adivasi warrior who defends her people Rajkumari Bhuiya: Songs as her tool, FRA activist marches on…

Jal, Jungle, Zamin: Glimpses into the March for Forest Rights A look into the "Sansad Gherao" organised on November 21, 2019

On November 21, the nation’s Adivasis came to New Delhi in droves to stand before the Indian Parliament and demanded that their rights to jal, jungle, zamin be recognized by the State. The movement was organised by Bhumi Adhikar Andolan along with other forest rights groups such as All India Kisan Sabha, All India Union…

Thousands of Adivasis demand the implementation of FRA 2006 To ask for their land rights and protest illegal evictions

Thousands of Adivasis, Forest Workers, Forest Dwellers and Forest Rights Activists gathered around the parliament, on 21st November, to ask for their land rights, demand the implementation of Forest Rights Act 2006 and protest illegal evictions in light of upcoming hearing in the Supreme Court.

Woman, Van Gujjar, Forest Dweller – the roles & intersectionalities in Mariam’s life The Right to a Voice Revisited - Van Gujjar Women & Intersections of Community Mobilization

“One woman standing up against an unjust law is unlikely to achieve much on her own; many women working together, however, are more likely to provoke change” (Rowland 1998) I had first read about a Van Gujjar named Mariam in an article titled “Tribal Women in UP: Challenging the Panchayat System” in Diana Vinding’s book…

Frequently Asked Questions on the Forest Rights Act, 2006 Compiled by the Ministry of Tribal Affairs in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme

This document contains a categorised list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on the Forest Rights Act, 2006. The document categorises FAQs into several sections, including titles like “Implementation Procedure of FRA”, “Applicability of FRA”, “Eligibility Criteria for FDSTs and OTFDs”, “Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups”, “Minor Forest Produce”, and “Conversion of Forest Villages and Unsurveyed Villages”.…

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