
Citizens for Justice and Peace

forest produce

CJP moves NHRC against police and forest officials in Dehradun for assaulting tribals Van Gujjars were beaten up, their shelter destroyed, they were even subjected to custodial violence

CJP and the All India Union of Forest Working People (AIUFWP) have brought to the attention of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) a recent instance of blatant violation of legal as well as human rights of Van Gujjars of Dehradun at the hands of police and forest officials. The complaint showcases how the officials not only…

Commitment to Forest Rights

Writ Petition: Wildlife First vs Union of India Volume I and II

In 2008, Wildlife First along with a few other NGOs filed a writ petition before the Supreme Court of India challenging the constitutional validity of the Scheduled Tribes and Other Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006 (the FRA). The Petition based this contention on following grounds: That the FRA was violative of Articles…

FRA, 2006 के तहत ऐसे जताई जाती है जमीन पर दावेदारी वनाधिकार कानून 2006 के तहत वन भूमि पर व्यक्तिगत या सामूहिक अधिकार की दावेदारी एक जटिल प्रक्रिया है

इस प्रस्तुति में हमने उन चीजों को तलाशा है, जिनकी वन भूमि पर रहने वाले लोगों को अपनी जमीन पर हक की दावेदारी के दौरान जरूरत होती है. हमने यह पता करने की कोशिश की है कि वनाधिकार कानून 2006 के तहत अपनी जमीन पर दावे के लिए किन चीजों की जरूरत पड़ती है? क्या…

Breaking: All Intervention Applications defending FRA, 2006 admitted by SC HRDs Sokalo Gond and Nivada Rana’s IA backed by CJP and AIUFWP also admitted, interveners to file written submissions

In a major breakthrough for Adivasi organisations and advocates of rights of forest dwelling communities, the Supreme Court of India has admitted all the 19 intervention applications that had been filed before it urging it to stop the eviction of millions of forest dwellers. Filed by different sets of directly concerned individuals and organisations, all…

Maha gov’t blames DLCs for “unlawfully” rejecting Adivasis’ claims Says close examination of rejected cases has been “insightful”

The state of Maharashtra has held the District Level Committees (DLCs), part of its own bureaucracy, accountable for “unlawfully rejecting the land claims” of lakhs of Adivasis and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (OTFDs) as reported by Huffingtonpost on September 11. The DLCs comprise officers from Revenue, Forest and Tribal Affairs departments and three nominated members from…

Tharu Adivasis submit rebuttal against rejected land claims: Dudhwa National Park Forest dwellers had submitted community forest rights claims in 2013

Adivasis and forest dwellers of a village in Dudhwa National Park offer a point by point rebuttal to the fallacious claims of the Forest Department submitted as “grounds” to reject community forest rights claims (CFR). The villagers had submitted the claims as long back as in 2013. On July 31, 2013, forest dwellers from 17…

No due process or formal communication to land claimants: MP govt State admits to flaws in rejecting land claims, launches Vanmitra app to address bureaucratic lacunae

In a compliance affidavit filed before the Supreme Court in an on-going litigation by Wildlife First, challenging the constitutional validity of the law, Scheduled Tribes and Other Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006 (FRA), the Madhya Pradesh (MP) government acknowledged the historical injustices and the marginalized nature of tribal communities and Other Traditional…

In Pictures: A journey that explains how Land Claims are filed under FRA 2006 Filing community and individual forest rights claims is a tedious and onerous process

In this story we explore various elements required, the boxes that need to be ticked, before forest dwelling people can file claims for the rightful ownership of land under FRA, 2006. What exactly does it take to claim their lands? Is it just a question of completing a bunch of paperwork? What does the process entail?…

Forest Dwellers have no support from Gov’t in filing Land Claims: Roma CJP Secy Teesta Setalvad and AIUFWP Dy Gen. Secy Roma explore the complicated process of filing community forest rights claims and other related issues

In the second part of an exclusive conversation with CJP Secretary Teesta Setalvad, the deputy general secretary of All India Union of Forest Working People (AIUFWP) Roma Malik highlights the complex and tedious process of filing claims under the Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006. Under the Act,…

Sokalo Gond and Nivada Rana lead the campaign for Forest Rights in SC Intervention Application backed by CJP and AIUFWP

Adivasi human rights defenders Sokalo Gond and Nivada Rana have moved Supreme Court praying for justice for millions of forest dwellers, especially women, who have been denied forest rights, and now face the prospect of eviction from their traditional habitats. The duo have filed an intervention application in the ongoing case led by Wildlife First.…

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