
Citizens for Justice and Peace

Foreigners Tribunal

Assam man forced to prove Indian citizenship four times

चौथी बार अपनी नागरिकता साबित करने को मजबूर हैं असम के शमसुल हक़ असम में भारतीय नागरिकता पर प्रश्नचिंह - एक CJP श्रृंखला

असम में राष्ट्रीय नागरिकता रजिस्टर (NRC) प्रक्रिया का अंतिम मसौदा 30 जुलाई 2018 को जारी कर दिया गया था, जिसके चलते लिस्ट में जिन लोगों का नाम नहीं आया, वे लोग अब NRC में अपना नाम शामिल करने का आवेदन कर सकते हैं. परन्तु वे लोग इस सुविधा से अब भी वंचित हैं, जिनसे सम्बंधित मामले, फ़ॉरेनर्स ट्रिब्यूनल…

Bengali Hindu labeled Bangladeshi

Assamese groups ask for Error-free and Transparent NRC Left Democrartic Manch and FACAAB make unanimous demand

The Left-Democratic Mancha, Assam—a common platform of 11 Political Parties—and the Forum Against Citizenship Act Amendment Bill (FACAAB), a forum of informed citizens, have voiced a unanimous demand for an error free NRC. In a joint memorandum presented to the State Co-ordinator, NRC the two organisations have expressed their anguish with regard to the on-going process…

EXCLUSIVE: Assam’s former Dy Speaker’s kin declared ‘Foreigner’ 14 family members served notice to prove citizenship

Despite intense media brouhaha about several members of the family of Moulavi Muhammad Amiruddin, the first Deputy Speaker of the Assam Legislative Assembly, being served notice to prove their citizenship, a Foreigners’ Tribunal in Assam has now declared his grand nephew Rafikul Islam a ‘foreigner’. The order was passed on July 30, 2018… the same day…

Assam Citizenship Crisis: Is Anyone Safe

Assam Citizenship Crisis: Is Anyone Safe? The Making and Re-Making of Indians as Citizens in Assam: A CJP Series

Ten kilometers away from Morigaon town, ten members of the family of a former Deputy Speaker of the Assam Legislative Assembly have been accused of being foreigners. Reports say almost all residents of this village have been served similar notices. They all now, stare at an uncertain future.

Assam man forced to prove Indian citizenship four times

Assam man forced to prove Indian citizenship four times! The Making and Re-Making of Indians as Citizens in Assam: A CJP Series

Even as Assam gets ready for a draft of the National Register of Citizens (NRC) that will be released on July 30, 2018, many people, whose cases are still pending before Foreigners’ Tribunals or the Gauhati High Court, will have to wait to have their names cleared before they can be added in the NRC. But as…

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