
Citizens for Justice and Peace

Declared Foreigners

Children of Deceased DF couple struggle to prove Citizenship in Assam Gauhati HC grants temporary relief

In a shocking case in Assam, nine children of a deceased couple were forced to run from pillar to post to prove that their dead parents were indeed Indian! However, the Gauhati High Court has now granted them temporary relief. Sunahar Ali and Mojida Khatun, the deceased couple, were posthumously declared ‘foreigner’ by a Foreigners’…

Gauhati HC Upholds NRC Coordinator's order

SHOCKING! Confidential NRC data leaked! District wise exclusion data that was to be submitted to SC in sealed envelop now public

In a damning indictment of the National Register of Citizens (NRC) authority’s data privacy maintenance methods, a document containing district wise percentage of people excluded from the NRC, information that was to be submitted by the NRC State Coordinator to the Supreme Court in a sealed envelop on or before August 25, has now been leaked to…

EXCLUSIVE: NRC update derails Saffron Agenda as lakhs of Hindus excluded from final draft Higher Rate of Exclusion from NRC in Bengali Hindu dominated Districts of Assam

Assam has 33 Districts presently, of which 10 districts have a more than 50% Muslim population. However, other than Darrang, all other, nine, Muslim dominated districts of Assam are seeing lower percentage drop rates from the NRC draft list as compared to other Districts with a lesser Muslim population… This overall situation has created trepidation,…

Gauhati HC Upholds NRC Coordinator's order

क्या NRC के अंतिम मसौदे से बाहर हुए 40 लाख लोगों के लिए अब भी कोई उम्मीद बची है ? दावा आपत्ति 28 सितम्बर तक दर्ज कराइ जा सकती है

असम में राष्ट्रीय नागरिक रजिस्टर (NRC) का अंतिम मसौदा 30 जुलाई 2018 को जारी किया गया था. 40 लाख लोग ऐसे हैं जिन्हें इस अंतिम सूची में जगह नहीं मिल पाई. गृहमंत्री राजनाथ सिंह ने कहा है कि 30 जुलाई को प्रकाशित नामों की ये सूची केवल एक मसौदा है, ये अंतिम निर्णय नहीं है. असम के…

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