
Citizens for Justice and Peace


Nationwide Protest against possible Eviction of Lakhs of Forest Dwellers To Implement Forest Rights Act 2006

In the recently concluded two day national consultation of Land and Forest rights movement organised by Bhoomi Adhikar Andolan, it was declared that several Lands and Forest Rights Organisations will hold nationwide protest actions on the July 22nd against the Supreme Court order on eviction of Forest Dwelling Communities. The consultation voiced the pathos of…

Stop the voice of people

विशेष! आवाज़ दबाने का षडयंत्र: भीमा कोरेगांव केस के प्रथम शिकार, दलित प्रवासी कामगार 10 महीने के बाद भी पुरुष जेल में क़ैद हैं और उनकी पत्नियाँ न्याय के लिए दर दर भटक रही हैं.

12 जनवरी, 2018 को, पुणे में भीमा कोरेगांव एल्गार परिषद कार्यक्रम के दो हफ्ते बाद, महाराष्ट्र पुलिस के आतंकवाद विरोधी दल (एटीएस) ने रिलायंस इंफ्रास्ट्रक्चर के चार श्रमिकों, एक ठेकेदार और एक अनियत श्रमिक को उठा लिया. गिरफ्तारी से पहले घंटों तक देर रात झोपड़पट्टी में उनके घरों पर छापा मारा गया था. एक दिन…

Release Chandrasekhar Azad

नीला रंग चंद्रशेखर आज़ाद से एक मुलाक़ात, विमल जी के शब्दों में

विमल जी, जो जन आंदोलनों का राष्ट्रीय समन्वय के राष्ट्रीय समन्वयक हैं, ने हाल ही में रिहा हुए चंद्रशेखर से मुलाक़ात की. यहाँ पढ़िए उनका दिल को छू लेने वाला ब्यौरा| अचानक 13 -14 सितंबर की रात को 2:30 बजे सहारनपुर जेल से चंद्रशेखर को रिहा कर दिया गया। भीम आर्मी का युवा कोई बहुत लंबी-चौड़ी…

India: The new Lynchdom How the fear of the 'other' drives mob violence in India

Law may not be able to make a man love him but it can keep the man from lynching him.” Martin Luther King Jr.   These words were said by Martin Luther King Jr. in the era where the racial segregation was at its peak and the African Americans targeted in the form of lynching.…

Vinay Ratan Singh Surrenders in Style Police Gaffes continue as Bhim Army Chief presents himself before Saharanpur court

Bhim Army National President Vinay Ratan Singh surrendered before the Chief Judicial Magistrate in Saharanpur on Monday, April 23, 2018. Singh, 35 has been accused of involvement in the Saharanpur caste clashes in May 2017. He was remanded to judicial custody, but not before drama and police confusion that has come to be associated with this case.…

Dalit Activist

Raiding the Resilient Police’s high-handedness in dealing with Dalit Activists and Lawyer

Recently police raided the homes of well-known human rights activists and even a lawyer on the pretext of gathering information about their alleged complicity in fomenting hate and violence in Bhima Koregaon. Oddly enough the Maharashtra Chief Minister said the raids were conducted due to their ‘Maoist’ links. The fact that two parallel and equally…

Babasaheb Ambedkar

Babasaheb Ambedkar: A Man Far Ahead of His Times Human Rights Defender Profile

Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar was born on April 14, 127 years ago. Here is a brief look at the life and work of the man who grew up to be an eminent jurist, economist, social reformer, and is widely considered to be the Father of India’s Constitution. Early life Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar was born on April 14, 1891…

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