
Citizens for Justice and Peace


Fazar Ali Hindi TN

आत्महत्या की कोशिश, डिटेन्शन कैम्प से रिहाई फ़ज़र अली की कहानी

जब फज़र अली को अचानक पता चला कि उसे विदेश घोषित कर दिया गया है तो वह हताश होकर ब्रह्मपुत्र में कूद पड़ा. आत्महत्या के प्रयास से किसी तरह बच तो गया, मगर जेल से नहीं! फज़र अली दो साल से गोआलपाड़ा डिटेंशन कैम्प में क़ैद था. जिसे CJP की मदद से रिहाई मिली, वह…

Ninety-year-old Rajbongshi woman in the citizenship test Samoik Prasanga

After birth she was named Moyna. As a child, she drew attention from the whole village for her beauty. Everyone in the village used to call her “Devi” because she looked like a goddess. Her name changed from Moyna Barman to Moyna Devi. She has 1951 NRC in this name. The adjective goddess for her…

Communal forces are trying to derail the NRC: Dr. Hiren Gohain The Making and Re-Making of Indians as Citizens in Assam: A CJP Series

Eminent literary critic Hiren Gohain talks to CJP about the history of the National Register of Citizens (NRC) and how communal forces are trying to derail the NRC process.   Related: NRC is the way to solve the migration issue democratically: Akhil Gogoi NRC से गायब हुआ पूर्व राष्ट्रपति के परिजनों का नाम! Assamese groups…

Gauhati HC order on Siblings and family members of Declared Foreigners

Who is an Indian, can the NRC decide? From the Secretary's Desk

To dub the process of collating the final draft of the National Registrar of Citizens (NRC), released on July 30, as bizarre, haphazard, or just plain bureaucratic and insensate is simply not enough. The very fact that 4 million plus of residents of the state did not make the list is surely indication enough of…

Gauhati HC reconstitutes Special Bench presiding over FT appeals Single judge replaced with two judge bench

In a huge relief to many people who fear exclusion from the National Register of Citizens (NRC) in Assam, the Gauhati High Court has reconstituted the bench which hears appeals against judgments of Foreigners’ Tribunals. The previous single judge has been replaced by a two judge bench now. In an order dated July 3, 2018,…

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