कोरोनावायरस संक्रमण को काबू करने के लिए लगे लॉकडाउन ने पूरे देश में अफरातफरी मचा दी है. इस लॉकडाउन ने प्रवासी मजदूरों कीजैसीदुर्दशा की है, उसके हृदय विदारक दृश्य पूरे देश में दिख रहे हैं. प्रवासी मजदूर शब्द में वे लाखों-करोड़ों लोग छिपे हुए हैं, जिनके पास लॉकडाउन के दौरान घर पहुंचने की जद्दोजहद से लेकर…
“I used to work for four months in Mumbai and then go back home to my village Biripali, which is in Bolangir district of Odisha, for 15 days. I would take care of whatever needed to be done at home, attend to the needs of my parents, wife, and daughters, and then get back to…
It’s the calls that keep coming… from Cuffe Parade to Antop Hill, from Wadala to Worli, from Kalbadevi, Dongri and Pydhonie. First for just basic decency and dignity of living; rations, food. Then desperation to get home, with the mess ups in Shramik trains, the vulnerability to touts, arduous is a word that does not…
The heart-rending spectacle of migrant workers struggling to negotiate the Covid-19 lockdown is unfolding before us in real time. The term ‘migrant worker’ however hides behind it people who have extraordinary tales to tell – tales of daily struggles big and small, Homeric journeys, the little joys that make up life and stubborn fears that…
While coronavirus has been wreaking havoc in public life, it has caused some stirs in the judiciary as well. With courts shifting to virtual hearings and taking up urgent matters only, the nation witnessed many significant judgments coming from courts, on issues relating to COVID19. For instance, issues like management of hospitals, amenities to migrants,…
Thrice oppressed, women street vendors have turned to exhausting personal savings for survival besides bearing the overarching burden of household chores reveals this survey by ISST-Janpahal in Delhi. Gender disparities sharpen during calamities and conflicts making the burden worse. So it has been for the impact of the Covid19 pandemic lockdown. While migrant labourers and…
Here we have a look at how the Supreme Court has dealt with crucial issues relating to the fundamental right to life and dignity, to health care and accountability from the government during the Covid 19 pandemic driven lockdown. In RE: Contagion of Covid 19 Virus in Prisons [SUO MOTU WRIT PETITION (C) NO. 1/2020]…
This article is not about the efficacy of the video conferencing hearings or about how many or often judges should sit for hearings during this lockdown. It is about how, the Higher Courts and especially the Supreme Court, have dealt with the various Petitions filed concerning COVID 19 and how our Courts, especially the Supreme…
भारतासह संपूर्ण जग आज एका खूप मोठ्या संकटकाळातून जात आहे. जन आरोग्याशी (Public health) संबंधित या भीतीदायक संकटाचे नाव आहे COVID-19. जगभरात आज लोक या वैश्विक साथीच्या रोगापासून आपले अस्तित्व वाचवण्यासाठी धडपडत आहेत. पण अशावेळी भारतातील लोक यापेक्षा मोठ्या संकटाशी लढत आहेत. या भीषण संकट काळात देशातील खूप मोठी लोकसंख्या भूक, भोजनाचा अभाव आणि पोषणाच्या…
When the national lockdown to curb the spread of the coronavirus started, it had a disproportionately harder impact on people hailing from socio-economically backward communities. People belonging to historically oppressed and marginalized communities, castes and tribes were some of the worst affected. One such group comprised members of the Nathpanthi Dawari Gosavi Samaj who were…