On October 1, 2020 a three-Judge Supreme Court Bench comprising Justices Indu Malhotra, DY Chandrachud and KM Joseph, quashed a Gujarat government notification exempting factories from paying overtime wages to workers and providing ideal working conditions to them amid the Covid-19 lockdown, on grounds of public emergency in Gujarat Mazdoor Sabha & Anr. v. State…
Soon after the death of Dr. Simon Hercules in Chennai and the subsequent brouhaha over his last rights, where he was denied a dignified funeral, CJP’s sister publication Sabrang India had delved deep into the subject of rights of the dead in India. Today, we feel the need to revisit this in wake of the…
The Covid-19 pandemic and the subsequent national lockdown forced lakhs of migrant workers to head back to their native villages. While many workers took long journeys to get back home after being virtually rendered unemployed and homeless, many others just wanted to be in the relative safety of rural India with their families, even as…
In yet another example of institutional apathy for human suffering, five people from the flood-hit Dhalpur village in Darrang district of Assam have been sent notices to appear before a Foreigners’ Tribunal (FT) in Mangaldoi to defend their Indian citizenship. “The region is presently submerged under 7-8 feet of water forcing people to vacate their…
43 साल के लक्ष्मण प्रसाद मुंबई में रहते हुए 27 साल हो चुके हैं. इतने वर्षों से वे यहीं रोजी-रोटी कमा रहे हैं. वैसे तो वे इस महानगर में कई जगहों पर रह चुके हैं, लेकिन पिछले 15 साल से अपने परिवार के साथ सांताक्रुज के कलीना इलाके में रह रहे हैं. प्रसाद पहले किराए…
27 साल के मुन्ना शेख, बांद्रा में शास्त्री नगर इलाके में 15 लोगों के साथ रहते थे. बांद्रा का यह इलाका कम कमाई वाले लोगों की रिहाइश है. यहां देश के तमाम राज्यों के हजारों प्रवासी कामगार रहते हैं. मुन्ना शेख को रोजगार की तलाश में 15 साल पहले बिहार से मुंबई आना पड़ा था.…
Zia ul Sheikh, a skilled goldsmith, is back home in Birbhum. The 32-year-old loves the clean air and green spaces of Harishpur village, where he was born and lived for 20 years. This is where he got married and now lives in a home full of love and care with his parents, wife and two…
The Covid-19 pandemic could have been an opportunity for all of us as a society to showcase our most compassionate and humane side. But many employers and middle-men took this opportunity to further exploit their labourers, especially impoverished and often unlettered migrants, and push them to the brink of starvation. This is the story of…
Makar Behera, who works as a skilled mason in Mumbai, was sure he would not go back to his village of Biripali in Bolangir district of Odisha, even though many others were leaving town in droves in wake of the Covid-19 lockdown. For the 48-year-old father of four staying in Mumbai was the only way…
मुंबई में रसोइए का काम करने वाले पैंतीस साल के गणेश यादव अपने फ़न में माहिर हैं. खाना बनाने में उनका कोई सानी नहीं. अपने काम में उन्हें बड़ा आनंद आता है. तीन बच्चों के पिता गणेश एक विनम्र व्यक्ति हैं. वह कहते हैं, “मेरे पास यही एकमात्र हुनर है. लेकिन इसी की बदौलत मैं…