
Citizens for Justice and Peace

Covid Hunger Campaign Updates

Team CJP is fighting Hunger during the Lockdown We are working 24/7 so that nobody goes to bed hungry

Whether it is in the Metropolis of Mumbai or in Assam, team CJP is working to ensure India’s most marginalised are not hungry. Help us by donating now. Donate here: Related: CJP against Hunger: Rations and essentials provided to migrant workers CJP against Hunger: Almost 1,500 families served in one day! CJP against Hunger:…

CJP provides relief to Bengali migrant workers We intend to continue this fight against hunger amid lockdown

CJP has been at work non-stop to help provide rations and essentials to low-income families across Mumbai to help them tide over the Covid-19 lockdown. A lot of these families belong to migrant workers and they are trapped without income and food. We found a lot of them to be Bengali migrants who came here…

CJP’s relief work reaches families in Malwani Our relief work is on 24/7 amid lockdown

CJP has been at work non-stop to help provide rations and essentials to low-income families across Mumbai to help them tide over the Covid-19 lockdown. Our operations continued in Mumbai’s Malwani area where groceries and other essentials were distributed to low-income families. Food packet distributions also took place in association with the Disha Foundation, to…

CJP reaches out to thousands of migrant workers trapped in a food crisis CJP team is working 24/7 to provide relief to the needy amid lockdown

CJP has been at work non-stop to help provide rations and essentials to thousands of migrant workers and their families, who hail from different states like Jharkhand, Bihar, UP, Rajasthan, Odisha, Bengal, the north-eastern states and other parts of Maharashtra. Our brave team is soldiering on, battling all hurdles, to ensure food reaches all of…

CJP’s Relief Work continues 24/7 amid lockdown Our relief efforts are growing stronger and spreading wider

CJP has been at work non-stop to help provide rations and essentials to low-income families across Mumbai to help them tide over the Covid-19 lockdown. Our relief efforts are on, day and night and even on the weekends. We recently delivered ration for 200 families of the Nathpanthi Dawari Gosavi Samaj. This community houses some…

कोरोना के ख़िलाफ़ CJP की जंग जारी हमारी मुंबई की टीम और असम की टीम गरीबों और जरूरतमंदों को राहत और जरूरी सामान देने के लिए लगातार काम कर रही है

कोरोना लॉकडाउन के समय भूख के विरुद्ध CJP की #जंगजारी है। मुंबई में अब तक हम प्रवासी मजदूरों, घरेलू कामगारों, यौनकर्मियों, ट्रांसजेंडरों, झुग्गी-झोपड़ियों और हजारों ग़रीब परिवारों तक पहुंचने में कामयाब रहे हैं। असम में, जहां किसान सबसे बड़े संकट का सामना कर रहे हैं, वहां हमारी टीम किराने का सामान, और अन्य जरूरी सामान…

CJP Assam: Reaching remote areas to provide relief to the hungry CJP team in Assam is mobilising the community to ensure aid reaches far flung areas

CJP’s Assam team is going that extra mile to distribute rations to quarantined families and families of detainees, amid the nationwide lockdown. Our team’s efforts are not limited to providing relief and aid to NRC affected families, but also all other such people in need, particularly the destitute, orphans and most marginalised people. This is…

CJP against Hunger: Relief work continues 24/7 Food packet deliveries made even over the weekend to families in need

CJP has been at work non-stop to help provide rations and essentials to low-income families across Mumbai to help them tide over the Covid-19 lockdown. Our relief efforts are on day and night and even on the weekends. On Saturday, April 4, Teesta Setalvad, made arrangements for relief supplies for 50 families in Beed in…

CJP against Hunger: Team Assam goes that extra mile to distribute rations to quarantined families, families of detainees CJP team in Assam has even mobilised the community to ensure aid reaches more people

CJP’s campaign in Assam has taken a new colour given the prevailing lockdown situation in the entire country. Labourers, daily wage earners, sex workers, people from low in come families in containment zones and migrant workers are few sections of the society which have benefitted from the relentless efforts of the CJP team in Mumbai…

CJP against Hunger: Almost 1,500 families served in one day! Part of CJP’s campaign with Prayas, Ek Koshish amidst the Covid-19 lockdown

On Friday, April 3, CJP undertook the preparation and delivery of the single largest consignment of relief supplies for low-income families in one day. With our partners at Prayas, Ek Koshish, we provided groceries and essential supplies for 1,489 families. As you know, we have been working with Prayas, Ek Koshish, a humanitarian aid organisation working…

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