In the light of rapidly growing cases in Maharashtra, the Mumbai Police issued an order under Section 144 of the Cr. P.C, 1973 disallowing the movement of people in the public through any vehicle, unless, a sticker in the shape of a circle with 6-inch diameter upon the vehicles. The stickers are required to be…
In wake of a drastic surge in Covid-19 cases among citizens attending the Kumbh Mela, the Government of Delhi has now laid down certain restrictions and procedures for those who have returned and for those willing to attend the same. People from both these categories were obliged to upload their detailed information on www.delhi.gov.in, further…
The Delhi Government has linked over 20 hotels and banquet halls to 23 Covid Hospitals – these entities would thereafter act as extended Covid Hospitals. Non-critical patients would be kept here so that hospital beds can be allocated to those who need it most. These Hotels are under an obligation to provide sufficient manpower, oxygen…
In the light of growing cases in the state, the Government of Uttarakhand has issued certain precautionary measures for Government offices. They were instructed to sanitize doors, lifts, stairs, chairs etc. at least twice every week with sodium hypochlorite or chloroxylenol or parachlorometaxylenol (PCMX). Likewise, they were instructed to sanitize floors, toilets etc. with phenol…
With a fresh surge in cases of Covid-19 being reported from across the state and in view of the lackadaisical approach of the citizens towards following certain necessary safety protocols, the Government of Maharashtra has imposed a curfew within its territorial jurisdiction from 8 P.M on April 14, 2021, till 7 A.M on May 1,…
The Maharashtra government has clarified that persons engaged in certain activities where Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) test has been mandated,also have the option of undergoing Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) instead. These include people engaged in public transport/private transport, shootings for films/serials/advertisements, staff related to home delivery services, staff conducting examinations, staff at marriage…
In a bid to curb the spread of the Coronavirus, the Government of Maharashtra has decided to permit only those professions, which cater to the essential needs of the citizens. These have been identified as: Petrol Pumps All Cargo Services Data Centres/IT Sector Government and Private Security Centre Fruit Vendors Apart from…
The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) is a statutory body under the Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993 that aims to protect and promote the cause of Human Rights in India. It looks into violations of human rights by any State actors, recommend measures for the effective implementation of Human rights, to encourage organisations within…
In March this year, just as the Covid-19 pandemic was getting serious, an Inter-Agency Standing Committee issued interim guidance on how people deprived of their liberty should be treated amidst growing concerns of the Coronavirus infection. The two agencies; Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights (OHCHR) and the World Health Organisation (WHO), jointly…
Indigenous communities, who often lack access to proper healthcare facilities, on account of a history of oppression and discrimination, are also suffering disproportionately due to the Covid-19 pandemic as per the United Nations. A guidance released by the Office of the Human Rights Commissioner, titled Covid-19 and Indigenous People’s Rights, says, “The COVID-19 pandemic is…